Sunday, July 27, 2014

r_ ▶ Hilarion’s Weekly Message – January 26-February 2, 2014

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message – January 26-February 2, 2014

Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

Beloved Ones,

Many of you will feel heat within your body as your physical bodies begin to activate your DNA/RNA codes. This can be a rather uncomfortable period for you so it is important to stay well hydrated and well rested. Trust that all is well and that you are being cared for by your etheric guides as you go through this process. Listen to your guidance and do whatever is suggested. This process is the beginning of an accelerated transformation that will leave behind all former limitations. The past will fade away and dissolve as you learn to live in the present moment. This will facilitate a greater clarity of mind and an inner knowing that there has been a shift in your perceptions and you will start to regain your divine abilities in whatever way is unique to you. We, your guides and team members assist in many ways to help you on the next step of your journey. You are never alone, Dear Ones, for we walk with you during the intense and irreversible changes that are now beginning.
You have come to this point because of your deep desire to fulfill the destiny that you have chosen as your contribution to the divine plan. This destiny is now beginning to unfold at greater speed and you will marvel at how far you have come in a short space of time. The cells of your being are being regenerated and rejuvenated and you will feel cyclic waves of energy come from within you which can cause periods of dizziness. Remain calm, breathe deeply and stay in a state of peaceful allowance to the new sensations that fill and surround you. There is much recalibration that is taking place within your human operating system and your morphogenic field. This will probably scramble your meridian flows of energy temporarily but will rebalance. You will have many episodes of sleepiness and drowsiness as you are attuned to ever higher frequencies as they come in.
Look to the heavenly alignments as they herald the changes that are taking place upon and within your planet and within yourselves. All is moving at a faster rate and linear time is followed only because of the instruments and devices that have been created previously. It is a time to connect to the Source within you on a regular basis in order that you receive the guidance that is needed and that you stay on track with your own divine timing. Everyone has their own inner clock and this is now in the process of being finely tuned so it is important to follow your intuitive promptings as this is where true guidance flows through. All of life is awakening to levels of being that have been dormant for eons.
Those who are attuned to the higher frequencies are in alignment with the many changes that are occurring and as such provide the role of catalyst wherever they may go. As they move about their daily lives they activate the awakening codes for the people around them, known or unknown. As conduits of the cosmic energies, these ones radiate this from their field of energy and it touches everyone and ignites their own individual process. It is most important that these change agents stay balanced in their every thought, word and deed, as this can have impact upon others around them. This is a great responsibility as one comes into awareness that you are in such a role upon the planet.
Stay uplifted, balanced and in a state of joy as this helps to keep a harmonious balance to those energies that come forth through others as the cleansing process continues. This is your role as light beacons and most of you have learned how to bring yourselves back into alignment quickly. Clear your energies each day before you venture out and again after you come home. Clear and balance each of your chakras so that your vital force is flowing unimpeded at all times. If thoughts appear in your consciousness that tend to bring your focus and energy down, learn to automatically change them to more life enhancing and affirming ones. The days of owning your own power are now upon you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion



©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


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Make the most of this year with the tips in this article and by attending Saturday's Year of the Horse global meditation event with The Council of 12 - see below for details! 

Benefit from Year of the Horse 

Tips for Success in 2014 

by Selacia   

The energies of the 2014 Horse Year - celebrated on Chinese New Year this Friday - began coming in soon after January 1, initiating a new cycle that will impact you and everyone you love.
Decisions you make in any new cycle are important, for they can have a profound impact on the rest of the cycle. The decisions or choices you make now, as the Horse Year begins and unfolds, can be even more significant than those you made in 2013 - impacting you in big ways throughout 2014 and beyond.

In this article are some tips to help you make these crucial decisions with empowerment, and to begin the year on a high note.

What you will find in this cycle are many new opportunities and doors that were not open to you before. Choices involving new people, new projects, and new directions will be coming fast and furiously. 
Noticing Open Doors 
The key to accessing them is staying awake and conscious - noticing the doors as they open so you can take action. That action will always involve choice and you want that choice to come from conscious awareness. Remember: even taking no action at an open door is a choice.

To make the best choice, you must be clear about what you want. That takes mastery. You are learning to differentiate between what your conditioned ego-self wants and what is in your highest good to want.

You must be grounded and in your heart to make the optimal choices. It's not enough to mentally say that you are in your heart - you must truly reside there and operate from there. That sounds easy, as though intent were enough. In fact, it involves great skill and lots of practice.

In 2013 you may have become impatient, frustrated, or perhaps disillusioned with your pace of progress. Even the most advanced spiritual practitioner can become impatient at times!

Indeed, over the past year, patience has been an important quality for divine changemakers like you. If you are like most people, you had a roller-coaster ride of stops and starts and waiting in between.  
The Difference in 2014 
There is a lighter, more inviting tone in 2014. This year, it will still pay off to be patient, but you may find forward movement easier to contemplate and achieve.

The contemplation part is important - you must know in a clear way specifically what you want! It's not enough to say you want abundance or a new relationship. Also, it's useless to approach intentions by noting what you don't want. Be specific and positive.

Compared with previous years, the energies of 2014 will involve more movement. That means more ups and downs, more twists and turns, and more peaks and valleys. The energy of the Horse Year is all about movement, journeys into new territory, and an intense desire to be free of past limitations. 
A Relentless Undercurrent 
In fact, you may often experience this desire as a relentless undercurrent - feeling that you and the world simply cannot change fast enough. To sure, it will be a time when you will feel passionate about changing the status quo - whether it's involving your work, relationships, your body, or how you live.

Passion is a good thing, of course. The key will be discovering how to channel that passion in positive, constructive ways. After all, a Horse Year comes with a lot of fire and this energy must be managed or it can become destructive - either to you or to others in your life. 

Riding the Waves 

As you look around, you will notice that most people are not good surfers of energy - they do not feel comfortable riding the waves. When a spike of energy occurs, they are thrown off course.

What you want and need now is a way to ride the waves with confidence and courage - even though you don't always know where they will take you next.

Of all the years to date, 2014 is the one when you have the most opportunities to make significant changes that alter the course of your life.

What will make these shifts so important is that they are foundational, addressing the root of your being and how you express it in the physical world. This is the kind of change you have longed for - it is what spirit is nudging you to dive into with both feet. No halfway diving - you are a divine changemaker!


(Note from Selacia: If you missed my recent articles such as the one last week on Thursday's super moon, here's the link to my articles archive . You are welcome to share this article with your friends and include it on your blog or website - as long as you provide the copyright source information below. Share on social media and forward this email to your friends, too. I'm still taking registrations now for our Jan-Mar Divine Changemaker Series  - please don't delay registering if you want to join us. You're also invited to my upcoming Council of 12 global meditation on February 1! This is our first C12 event of 2014, providing both personal and planetary healing to help energize your highest potentials for 2014. All officially registered at the link below will take part in the healing, receiving spiritual fuel for starting this year on a high note and being ready for what's next. Attend live from anywhere in the world or with mp3 at this link). 

Copyright 2014 by Selacia - All Rights Reserved *  

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