Wednesday, August 13, 2014

214/215/216 _ _ _The Being one - the secrets of thoth book 1

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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy 

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 The BEing ONE


Without knowledge , I do not live

 Without understanding, I do not exist 
without unconditional love , I am NOT

The Being one - the secrets of thoth

book 1

Document Transcript

Two . INTERNATIONAL DATA MAPPING IN SÃO PAULO , BRAZIL RELEASE . NO COPYRIGHT . REGISTRATION : 314,912 | LIVRO : 575 | FOLHA : 72 Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . Book originally published by the author and Canal : Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . All rights in the text , including external and internal drawings are reserved for exclusive use by the author . No part of this book may be REPRODUCED , ALTERED, OR USED EDITED form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording , Internet , television , cinema or storage system database, without written permission of the author except in cases of short stretches cited in critical reviews or articles from magazines, newspapers or any media . The reproduction, change, alteration or misuse of the contents of this book and drawings shall be subject to prosecution , protected by the copyright law . BE THE ONE I - The Arcane of Thoth. BEING ONE II - Metro 333 - Tera Guardians . We inform all people of good will who BEING ONE is not linked with people who can use the name of the author and the same , holding conferences , groups, selling prints , videos , advertising and charging for their services or asking for donations on behalf of this knowledge. The canal does also know , that it has no responsibility to those that transmit and interpret knowledge BEING ONE in their own way , guided or not based on the original writings that are in your text. BEING ONE is a FREE knowledge , not any events coalesced to gain money or any other type by another , which could be used to their advantage. 2

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322. How does the Elementary Reality set fire to the carbon-crystals?

These are chemical reactions. When food reaches the intestines, they are candescent and abrasive. They produce an automatic combustion, in this way, heat expands and all systems operate.

323. If beings nurture themselves properly, why does what we call death occur?

When we talk about nutrition, we do not mean the rubbish you eat, which corrodes, oxidizes and destroys. True combustion comes from good energetic-nutrition and it generates good fuel. This requires special filters that provide excellent nutrition.

324. Which are the special filters?

When we talk about processes and chemical mixtures, we are referring to a good carburization of the elements. All the elements are mixed; their combination is not enough to generate good combustion. The important thing is not the mixture but the product obtained from it. The absorption of the elements has to be of the highest quality possible so that the combustion can produce the best result. This happened in other higher realities. They understood and studied the absorption of elements and filtered the best elements through understanding, and began to nourish themselves with them. This way they could eliminate what was useless, and in doing so, they obtained excellent combustion. They elevated their vibration so high that their physical bodies live almost forever.

325. Is this the fire that you call the boiler and that keeps everything working?

Yes. The Sun would be a universal boiler. This star is a boiler that keeps many planets alive and functioning. The Sun shines and gives heat because its chemical elements enable it do so.

Within you there are millions of tiny suns that give you heat and keep your inner planets and your universe alive. We call it combustion. Lower dimensions, contrary to the higher ones, need heat.

Heat: This is energy that, when in contact with two bodies, flows from the body with higher temperature to the body with lower temperature until those temperatures become balanced.

Heat produces changes in state and volume in bodies. The amount of calorific energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilo of mass of a substance to one degree centigrade. Affection, congeniality, bonding,enthusiasm or passion.

Explained in this way, we understand that heat is necessary to maintain the One Being and the mind, alive. It means that heat will generate combustion and this will produce active dynamic,

that is, life.326. As the microorganisms that we are, how can we nourish ourselves with the best of the universal body?

First of all, if you are already aware then it will depend on each one of you to know what nurtures you energetically. To fulfill what was entrusted to you means that you will have to produce the highest quality of combustion so that the digestive system of the One Being can work perfectly and, in doing so, benefit all dimensions. Working with high vibratory elements will help you to progress to other higher realities and will provide your own energetic transformation.

You will go from being microorganisms to becoming macro-organisms, and your work will become more sophisticated so that you can carry out greater deeds.

Macro: a component which means “big”. If we refer to the word organism, it means that the thought-energy being is part of the whole, that is, it ascends, descends, enters and exits throughout the reality of its all.

327. Could our material bodies host antimatter energy so that it remains alive?

The Regular Dimension definitively created energy-matter to shelter itself. First they cloned themselves and later created independent bodies which they could reproduce, with the sole purpose of continuing the advancement. When you became distorted, the thought-energy of the regular worlds became prisoner of its own creation, it descended into hell, and the creator was dominated by its own creature.

The Elementary Dimension has its origin from the One Origin and its function is to digest.

Throughout the universe it was carried out correctly; on the whole, the systems function wonderfully. You, the distorted worlds, complicated the good digestion of the One Being, because unfortunately the oblique belt where you are does not allow the universal energy to flow adequately. There is a small digestive complication within the One Being.

328. What is this small digestive complication?

In general, the One Being works perfectly. It does not perceive this tiny, almost imperceptible flaw, except that the levels higher than you, who are closer to the flaw, notice it and it bothers them. When some physical organ is not working well, it tends to damage the good communication and functioning of the rest of the body. This causes a malaise that, depending on the state of the process, often spreads. You, as a cellular-planet, belong to Orion, and are in an organ-system of Alpha Centauri. The latter is the one which is doing everything possible foryou, as cellular-Earth, to function adequately so as not to produce a certain vibratory malaise that is affecting the organs closest to you, such as the Pleiades, Andromeda, Antares, etc.

The same thing happens in your physical body. If the liver doesn’t work it is because the cells of this organ are not doing their job adequately or maybe because the gastric juices are insufficient to digest the food. This bad digestion will deteriorate the food and produce bile, and cause a very poorly working gall bladder. In the end it will bring on a dysfunction and stop working, with negative results, and the malaise will spread throughout the body. The One Being universal body is watchful of Its smallest detail. It cannot allow any dysfunction to occur; the working of a single cell is just as important as an entire organ or system. There is but one body and if it allowed any malfunction, it would be annihilating itself.

329. What is the true reason for awakening?

There are many reasons why we are helping the awakening:

 To help you in your evolution

 To help you in your elevation

 So that your energy becomes purified

 So that your nourishment becomes more refined

 To produce good combustion

 So you become healthy and live longer

 So that you may vibrate cosmologically

 For you to become united with the cosmic confederation

 To recover you, because you are our brothers/sisters

 For you to subsist eternally and not disappear

 To tilt the scales positively.

We all are the One Being. We have to exist for It, because It is our own selves.

 We are a part of It.

 We are that who made us.

 We are the reality that took on form similar to the one It gave us.

 We are what we are.

 We are one.

 We are all.

330. What is the source of the One Origin?

The all, reality, existence, life, birth, the levels, the planes, knowledge, understanding and more, are all one origins.

The creator created and accumulated so much imagination that in the end everything exploded and the all unfolded. What was it that was formed? The dimensions? The energetic human?

The material human? The vibrations? The rhythm? Need?

We answer: everything was formed at the very same moment and the very same instant.

Everything had already been created in the imagination of the One Origin; the formula already existed and had always existed. Every time it ends, it starts all over again. The universe is full of One Origins; there is a principal formula, but it is full of variations, so many that not a single one is the same as another.

331. What is the basic formula?

EL SER UNO (The One Being).

332. And the variant formulas?

Billions of One Beings scattered throughout the tangible and intangible universe.

333. Do you always rotate around mankind? Are humans the center of everything?

The universal mind is the center of the all, and since humans are particles of the all, they are part of the center, but they are not the center. The center would be located in the mind of the One Being of the Sublime Dimension. The principal center replicates itself forming millions more centers that would be called nuclei in the universal mind. Each dimension, each plane, each level, each existence, has its own One Origin. This formula is repeated millions of times, and each one of them develops according to Its understanding of Its all. For example, in the Elementary Dimension procreation is a One Origin.

334. Do you mean that our memory of all we have written was when our One Being was formed?

Yes it is. First we had to teach you your own One Origin so you could understand the universal One Origin. Everything is repeated in the universe, without beginning or end.

That is how the all was formed and also the first One Being. When It was formed, It did so first of all in the antimatter mental world, and then created Its infinite bodies, millions of One Beings, and all together they formed It again.

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...will continue tomorrow...

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 ...this, will continue tomorrow...

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Book 1:

Link to first PAGE

Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO  

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 . Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.


Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new  .

Being ONE


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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.


 Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .


" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.




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