Saturday, August 9, 2014

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message – March 23-30, 2014
Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

Beloved Ones,

More and more people on Earth are awakening to discover that the world is in a state of rapid metamorphosis. They look around and see their neighbors embracing concepts that they were not open to before. Everywhere, this awakening energy is clearing ages old cobwebs from the consciousness of humanity and it is not an easy process. It is very uncomfortable to watch the events taking place in the world and within one’s own personal world, and each individual is struggling at this time to establish and maintain inner equilibrium. This creates a feeling of stress and tension in the collective consciousness energy field which affects the individuals who are sensitive to the energy flows around them. This tension and anxiety is felt in the solar plexus/stomach area of the human body and is a sign that it is time to get out in nature and stand or sit near a member of the tree family and ask that these tense and anxious feelings be lovingly transmuted and dissolved from within you. The tree family is extremely adept at providing this service to all of humanity and it allows them to be in divine service and to work upon their own evolutionary path.
It is very helpful to pay attention to all of the life forms that coexist around you, and all of the elements. During these unstable energetic shifts, it is best to make one’s life as simple and uncomplicated as possible. By training your mind to go into a quiet state without getting involved in complex and abstract thought patterns that are constantly being stimulated by the communications one receives each day, and doing simple chores around one’s home or yard, one can avoid the feeling of overwhelm which tends to drain a person of their life force and higher energies. Taking time out to relax often is also most important and just laying down and putting your feet up for a half hour can replenish your vitality. Seek out beauty in all its wondrous forms and do so with passion in your heart. Watch the sun rise and set, the cloud formations, the stars in the night sky, the birds and insects, the flora and fauna. Life thrives and pulses around you but you must become the observer of this and gain the sublime gifts that it brings you.
You must take times of stillness to realign with your higher self and your inner guidance. Practice deep breathing each day to fill you to the root chakra, holding the breath for a moment and then expel the breath knowing that all stale energy is being released. Moving your body many times a day in stretching activities or walking also helps to move the energies through your meridians without becoming stagnant and creating blockages. Clean out your closets, your cupboards, your garage and other areas of your home and remove all that you no longer use and you will find that by doing so, it creates a greater feeling of well being within you and this will help keep your energies flowing in a positive and constructive manner. Making room for the new, physically, energetically and symbolically, fills one’s soul with spiritual renewal and rebirth.
Until the Earth’s core is activated and sustained by the great light from the cosmos on a stronger level, you as divine energy conduits must continue to anchor and ground your light into the Earth on a daily basis. This activity done several times a day by each of you helps more than you can know to keep the Earth’s energies in greater stability. In effect, you are giving the Earth the boost of spiritual energy that she most needs. Your love sustains this magnificent being as she transitions from lower density into the higher, more rarefied levels of light and consciousness. In turn, you are finding that your every need is provided for, as and when you need it and as this becomes more noticeable, you will be filled with the knowing that you are loved beyond measure.
How quickly the world will move into the new paradigm when the energy of divine love intensifies in its frequency level. When each person is in a state of joy and bliss, it will be very difficult to convince them of the old stories that have been told throughout the ages. When each member within the human family feels good within themselves, then this will be reflected back to them and great strides will be taken as the Earth moves into the new dawn of the golden age, where there are no limits to the positive possibilities and potentials that can unfold.
Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

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©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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