Sunday, August 24, 2014

▶ Xzai-On Kumjat- The history of the ancient Americas - TRUST IN YOUR PROCESS OF TRANSFORMATION ::: Sharing

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Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!

Today we come to you to inform you that in reality your old world does no longer exist.

What you see, is the shadow of it while you are still dreaming in your old world, so that it seems, that this world continues.

We, from the higher dimensions, can see clearly from our greater point of view that this is indeed so. As you are tucked with your vision still in a 3D density, your brain is still wired to continue your view in the old ways just because it is used to it.

If you all only could see, what we see! But you all will see it – and the sooner the better – when you are changing your point of view, when you start living in your heart, when you start to allow the new energies which are the substance for the creation of your new world, to enter you, to change your carbon based body into a crystalline one, and when you allow all your cells to be transmuted, and so your brain waves and the glands in your head, and everything that comes with it.

You, who are here to allow this transformation to occur, are already in the midst of this change. Although you still might be not aware of it, and although you might still hang on to the old view and perception of your world in its 3dimensional appearance.

We tell you this, so that you become aware what is already happening, and so that you change your disposition to open up your vision, to ready yourself to receive the gifts of light and higher consciousness from heaven, and to allow to be changed by it.

To exercise Love, to open your heart, is certainly a way to prepare, dearest ones. What you have forgotten so long, now returns: your capacity to see your world from your heart and embrace all beings and things with your heart. This is so because it is your heart which is taking over your life, but for this to happen you must be explicitely and willingly invite this change and your transformation.

This might mean for many of you to let go parts of yourself and your world, it also could mean to let go some of your friends and your usual way of living. Naturally so, as with your agreement your vibration changes, and parts of your old world will not match your new vibrations so that they start to disappear.

But do not be concerned! What you are leaving behind, is only what does no longer serve you, and what your deeper self wants you to let go. It is only your limited identity which desires to hold on to what no longer is in synchronicity with you.

Dearest ones, you should know that you are protected in this process of your transformation, and that you are guided by your many invisible friends of the christed light, who are assisting you when you ask for it. But asking is necessary, you must know, as they do not intrude upon you.

When you have gone through most of your transformation, you will start to acknowledge that all what happened, and even the seemingly most difficult experiences, has been for your own best and highest good, as you awaken to a new and radiant and much more fulfilling presence of yourself, one that radiates as love and as light in a consciousness that reflects your Higher Self. What you “gain” will be unlimited joy, in which all doubts and all your suffering and fears have vanished.

We encourage you to trust in the process of your transformation and to consciously say “yes” to this process, because if you do your path will be much smoother and happier, with no hindrances of your opposing ego in the currents of change, which are sweeping your earth now.

This agreement, this being in congruence with the streams of new conscious energies of love and of light, carry you quickly to your new destination of your greater Self and into the higher dimensions of your new world.

Remember, that you are not alone, you are taken care of and supported in your process by the forces of light and therefore you will not fail.

We love and bless you!

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Posted 19th January 2012 by Juan Pablo

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