Monday, October 27, 2014

105/106/107 _ _ _EL SER UNO II PLANET 3.3.3. THE GUARDIANS OF TERA Book 2

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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy 

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 The BEing ONE


Without knowledge , I do not live

 Without understanding, I do not exist 
without unconditional love , I am NOT

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PLANET 3.3.3.

Book 2

Document Transcript

Two . INTERNATIONAL DATA MAPPING IN SÃO PAULO , BRAZIL RELEASE . NO COPYRIGHT . REGISTRATION : 314,912 | LIVRO : 575 | FOLHA : 72 Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . Book originally published by the author and Canal : Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . All rights in the text , including external and internal drawings are reserved for exclusive use by the author . No part of this book may be REPRODUCED , ALTERED, OR USED EDITED form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording , Internet , television , cinema or storage system database, without written permission of the author except in cases of short stretches cited in critical reviews or articles from magazines, newspapers or any media . The reproduction, change, alteration or misuse of the contents of this book and drawings shall be subject to prosecution , protected by the copyright law . BE THE ONE I - The Arcane of Thoth. BEING ONE II - Metro 333 - Tera Guardians . We inform all people of good will who BEING ONE is not linked with people who can use the name of the author and the same , holding conferences , groups, selling prints , videos , advertising and charging for their services or asking for donations on behalf of this knowledge. The canal does also know , that it has no responsibility to those that transmit and interpret knowledge BEING ONE in their own way , guided or not based on the original writings that are in your text. BEING ONE is a FREE knowledge , not any events coalesced to gain money or any other type by another , which could be used to their advantage. 2

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154.    ...What is the correct way to transmute the cinnabar energies sheltered by Tera into mercurial energies?

Cinnabar energy is very similar to elemental energy. The universe needs the universal elements for its sustenance and life. They are chemical elements that the universal mind needs for its existence.

Let us recall that cinnabar energy existed in the One Origin’s imagination and that it was classified by the thought-energies as a useless energy (elemental cinnabar energy), because it was of no use to the One Being. They were thoughts that wavered and did not become concrete. They were filed until the thought-children discovered how they could be used. They did not eliminate them but simply transformed them and used to their own advantage.

Since the 7 planets have a same origin (Satien), the inherited cinnabar energy could no longer be classified as elemental energy, because it had been negatively recorded by the thought-
energies of the beings of Planet Satien. We know that they were amalgamated and turned into isotopic energy. Unfortunately, when Planet Tera, like the other 6 planets, developed the vegetal and animal kingdoms, it did so with the ill-fated legacy of sick-cinnabar energy. It was energy formed of contaminated elements.

When the Ayapliano volunteers became trapped on the surface of the planet, they nourished themselves with that sick-cinnabar energy. This was one of the circumstances that intensified the distortion, which worsened their situation and consequently the degeneration in which you are today.

Planet Tera and all the beings that inhabit it are continually transmuting the sick-cinnabar energy through knowledge, understanding and love. Many are already working consciously for the benefit of the planet and themselves. When the fragment of Satien becomes transmuted and turned into a quartz crystal, we will have put an end to the calamitous legacy of Satien. Planet Tera still continues to be contaminated, although perhaps not with the same potency as when it all began. Currently sick-cinnabar energy has been weakened through our effort and work during millions of years. Nevertheless, we must continue striving and working until it is completely eradicated.

155. We know that when the human Ayaplianos became distorted in Tera, they turned into simians. Why did they not take on another form such as an insect or a bird? Could it be because the genetic experiment to attain the man-form was closer to a simian?

Yes, the closest was the simian. In the first book – El Ser Uno I (The One Being I) – The Arcana of Thoth – we explained that the human form was already defined in the imagination of the One Origin. It had a head and higher and lower terminals. The man-form could not be defined as an insect or a bird, which were prototypes that the Perfect Dimension tested to finally define the man-form in a dense reality.

We should remember that the dense man-form was created in a laboratory and that it was shaped by inverting the antimatter expression of energy into matter-energy. The man-form in the universe has been kept unimpaired. Whether it is formed of very subtle or very dense energy, it always has the same form and goes on being itself.

156. What caused the extinction of the large reptiles in Tera and when did it really happen?

About 300 million years ago, Planet Tera had a huge solid mass located in the center of the planet. One part of it was very hot while the other was in a process of cooling due to the movements of rotation and translation.

A powerful telluric movement broke up the solid mass forming what it is now known as continents. With this separation, the liquefied fragment of Satien began getting free and exiting through the hotter part. This energetic releasing of sick-negative-cinnabar energies brought about the birth and procreation of reptiles that had only existed on Planet Satien and nowhere else in the universe.

These animals transformed and distorted their original elements. They became deformed, grew and adapted to the density of the planet. The reptiles coexisted with the human Ayaplianos on the surface who hunted them to feed their tribes. As the tectonic plates of the planet cooled down, while the solid mass of the surface remained firm, these animals diminished in size, transforming and adapting their elements. Some current species of birds, reptiles and mammals came from them.

Evolution never eliminates what it is created; it simply transforms it. What you think has disappeared, comes back stronger and sometimes completely modified. For example, the flying reptiles nowadays are called heron, swan, ostrich, stork, bat, and so on. Planet Tera, its mineral, vegetal, animal and human kingdoms, have all developed their elements through evolution and the energy has adjusted according to the universal energetic advancement. 

157. If the distortion happened on Tera millions of years ago, can we suppose that the distorted Ayapliano beings had to live side by side with the large reptiles? If so, how did they coexist and how were they able to survive?

First there was the huge solid mass. Fire, lava and incandescent soil filled its center. A powerful telluric movement occurred and that mass was broken up. Part of the fragments of Satien began to appear first on the African continent. The animal kingdom proliferated there and rare and unknown species were generated. Thousands of years went by and the liquefied fragment started seeping out in Asia where new species of gigantic animals appeared. Evolution continued and the species went on developing.

While a strange evolution was unfolding on those continents, in other parts of the planet evolution continued. Humans living on other parts of the continents did not know and could not even imagine that those gigantic reptiles existed.

Only we, the volunteers, and the intra-terrestrials, knew what was happening on the planet. We knew that in certain parts of the planet evolution had taken different routes and we worked to prevent those reptilian species from proliferating and procreating on other parts of Tera.

So we confined those species in their habitat. We did not let them get out but kept them there for study and research and also for food for the humans of the surface. Humans living in those lands were able to survive because they learned to confront them.

Thus, we would like you to realize that the evolution of mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms, including the human kingdom, was carried out in conformity with the place where they were situated. It is certain and has been proved, that reptilian species did not appear in colder places as the poles or even in nearby areas.

158. What is the evolutionary chronology of the stages of evolution of the vegetal and animal kingdoms and of primitive man? To what extent was it either natural or activated?

Everything that we are telling you began 600 million years ago of Tera-time. When we, the volunteers arrived, the vegetal and animal kingdoms already existed. The implantation of those kingdoms was carried out in different stages and in diverse forms. Let us see why.

One of the most common forms of evolution is through propagation and birth of species brought about by the pollination of cosmic elements that traverse the universe bearing creativity and procreation.

When Planet Tera began to be formed, it attracted this cosmic dust, which enveloped the fragment of Satien, forming billions of layers upon layers of those elements. That cosmic dust was composed of basic universal elements. It could be compared to the basic DNA of a plant or an animal.

When basic primary elements find a suitable place to develop, such as water, humidity and oxygen, they develop and began to take on the characteristics of the environment. In this way, the 7 planets developed their own mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms, which took on their specific characteristics according to where each planet was located. Another form of evolution would be when beings from more advanced planets implant energetic elements in the planet in order to research and study them. This happened on the 7 planets.

The planets of the Confederation implanted elements on Kryon, which in turn implanted them on Antares, then each planet successively implanted them in the following planet – Aberon, Cyrius, Tera, Alpha Nova and lastly Abiares. This process was carried out with the aim of giving those planets the evolutionary advancement they needed to speed up progress.

In the last stage of the evolution, the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms are not implanted but they arrive on the planet as colonizers and fully developed. These are placed so as to intermix with the other local energetic elements of the planet that also are developed, producing unpredictable results.

Evolution takes place in levels, which are defined by the kind of vegetation, and animal species that develop in different periods or stages of evolution. These are established by the diversity of species that develop parallel to the evolution of the planet.

The evolution is researched and studied according to the periods in which each species subsists and these periods are cyclical. Whenever a species increases, another one tends to recede. This is how the evolution of the universe takes place. Nothing is stable or rigid; everything is in movement and is recycled.

159. Why is the reptile form considered to be the most distorted one?

No human species within our sphere-bubble has become as distorted as the sick-reptilian species. This is the only one that has its specific and very negative particularity.

This sick species does not have, in its energy, the formula of its origin. For this reason, it does not have the ability or the right to return because when it became isotopic energy, it lost its faculty of individuality. This means that it cannot form its energetic being and consequently its return is negated.

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 ...this, will continue tomorrow...

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Book 1:

Link to first PAGE

BooK   1:

Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO  

BOOk    2: 

PLANET 3.3.3.

Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3. 

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 . Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.


Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new  .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.


 Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .

" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.




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