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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy 

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 The BEing ONE


Without knowledge , I do not live

 Without understanding, I do not exist 
without unconditional love , I am NOT


PLANET 3.3.3.

Document Transcript

Two . INTERNATIONAL DATA MAPPING IN SÃO PAULO , BRAZIL RELEASE . NO COPYRIGHT . REGISTRATION : 314,912 | LIVRO : 575 | FOLHA : 72 Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . Book originally published by the author and Canal : Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . All rights in the text , including external and internal drawings are reserved for exclusive use by the author . No part of this book may be REPRODUCED , ALTERED, OR USED EDITED form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording , Internet , television , cinema or storage system database, without written permission of the author except in cases of short stretches cited in critical reviews or articles from magazines, newspapers or any media . The reproduction, change, alteration or misuse of the contents of this book and drawings shall be subject to prosecution , protected by the copyright law . BE THE ONE I - The Arcane of Thoth. BEING ONE II - Metro 333 - Tera Guardians . We inform all people of good will who BEING ONE is not linked with people who can use the name of the author and the same , holding conferences , groups, selling prints , videos , advertising and charging for their services or asking for donations on behalf of this knowledge. The canal does also know , that it has no responsibility to those that transmit and interpret knowledge BEING ONE in their own way , guided or not based on the original writings that are in your text. BEING ONE is a FREE knowledge , not any events coalesced to gain money or any other type by another , which could be used to their advantage. 2

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Some countries are already using a different type of fuel. They already understand that they have to free themselves from the yoke of ambition and from those who wield the power and control of the planet. You must find alternatives; otherwise, you will follow the same path as Planet Satien.

Let us go on with the history...

The Colonization

About 600 million years ago, of Tera’s years, Planet Morlem considered that Planet Satien’s 7 offspring planets were ready for colonization, even though they knew that the history of Satien could be repeated. The Cosmic Confederation met and decided to regard the 7 planets as huge laboratories to filter dense energy. This energy would first go through elementary minds and then transcend them.It was crucial to take these precautions to avoid the energetic propagation of Planet Satien’s legacy. The 7 planets would represent the hierarchy of evolution and elevation of their future inhabitants, and none of them would be able to turn aside from the established path. Each being’s path would be accompanied by evolution and elevation. This path had to be channeled according to the order that the Confederation set for that process. Let us see now the hierarchical order of each planet:

Planet Kryon......................3.3.7

Planet Antares...................3.3.6

Planet Aberon..................3.3.5

Planet Cyrius...................3.3.4

Planet Tera.......................3.3.3

Planet Alpha Nova...........3.3.2

Planet Abiares..................3.3.1

The 7 fragments that had become 7 planets would shelter the colonizers chosen by the Cosmic Confederation. These 7 planets had already been prepared by Planet Morlem. They had been provided with everything necessary to receive the vegetal and animal kingdoms, and finally the human kingdom. The two first kingdoms progressed and developed perfectly and acquired their own characteristics according to their environment.

Hierarchy among the planets consisted of their energetic differences according to how near or how far they were in reference to other more subtle or dense realities. Planets Kryon, Antares and Aberon were energetically more subtle. Through evolution, these planets had shown that life would develop according to the universal guidelines of creativity for the colonizers. However, time would reveal that, in spite of the apparent evolution, there was an almost imperceptible flaw in those planets, which would require them to reformulate the research and the assumptions of the study. Through evolution, the other 4 planets would turn out to be a big surprise.

The 7 fragments of Planet Satien, which the Ayaplianos turned into beautiful planets, were aligned in a sequential and vibrational straight line that adjusted perfectly to the anomalous states of the universe.

Satisfied with the progress achieved, the Cosmic Confederation was aware of the consequences of colonization the in denser planets, but it was ready to bear with the results. If it did not do so, they would never acquire the knowledge and without it, the sickness coming from Planet Satien would advance without any cure.

The 7 planets would be settled at the same time, during the same period, and by the same species that belonged to planets in similar conditions. The Confederation had to wait for a cosmic alignment to form, so that the 7 planets were aligned in straight row, to be as close as possible to those planets chosen to colonize them voluntarily. The alignment would have to form an obtuse angle, which would allow the spacecraft to enter the planets and thus they would traverse the density without any problem.

Tenezia, Ebiar, Retryon and Ambiares were the planets chosen by the Confederation for voluntary colonization. They all belonged to the Pleiades. The universe called them Ayaplianos and their headquarters was Morlem. They were chosen by their characteristics and their great ability to adjust, which they had demonstrated on other planets and in other colonization. Entire families were minutely selected. Scientists, philosophers, doctors, engineers, administrators, artists and others made up the range of specialties that would be allotted to the 7 planets. The volunteer-colonizers knew what was awaiting them and they were very aware of this venture, especially those who would colonize the denser and more problematical planets.

We know from the first book –El Ser Uno I – Los Arcanos de Thoth – (The One Being I – The Arcana of Thoth) - that all of them became distorted and suffered terribly in the colonization. We also know that through their evolution, the first four planets are already out of danger and are totally recovered because they worked hard with knowledge of cause and corrected their energy, thus they returned to their origins.

Nowadays we can say that all 7 planets are siblings of a same race and species.

Notwithstanding their specific characteristics due to their different evolutions and levels, we reaffirm that all of you are a single species: Human-Ayapliano. One has to understand that all processes are delayed and the correction that took place in the 7 planets has produced new elements for the universe that have also contributed to universal knowledge.

The Cosmic Confederation has learned so much from the distortion and correction that nothing escapes to its wisdom. Today, the tangible and intangible universe is known, studied and continually researched. The universal mind has nurtured itself with the thought, and its children have cooperated profoundly and will continue doing so because the mind is eternal and so are we, the thoughts.

16. Why did they have to wait for an alignment to be able to enter the planets?

First, we have to know in what way the colonizers had to travel through the universe and how they did it.

The 4 races in charge of colonizing the 7 planets were at their peak of technology and science.

They belonged to the Cosmic Confederation, so they had all the universal information that they manifested in their evolutionary process. Since they were accustomed to traveling and relocating through the sidereal universe, they had profoundly developed the study of the universal energy. There were no secrets about it that they did not unveil.

Since they knew the universe and were a part of it, they were aware that during alignments the approach of the constellations facilitated the passage from one reality or level to another.

The alignment that enabled the spacecraft to enter had formed into an obtuse angle. This meant that the spacecraft could go through that angle closely and thus they would arrive in the dense reality without undergoing any energetic interference.

Before taking that journey, they had to wait for the 7 planets to be in line, one behind the other, in such a way that the obtuse angle reached all of them equally. This meant that the energy within the angle had the same frequency, vibration, rhythm and colors. The energetic uniformity allowed the spacecraft to glide gently without any setbacks. Since they were all within the obtuse angle, each planet would shelter them energetically without any abrupt variations. In this way, they were able to adjust gradually to the density. They knew that as the alignment decreased, the gravity would increase.

17. Were the seven planets colonized at the same time?

Yes. They had to take advantage of the alignment. The tactics of the colonization included a technique that had already been tried out in other planets with surprising and entirely positive results.

When they were able to penetrate the density through the alignment, the energy there was subtle, diaphanous and with a high vibration. They felt no difference. They could lodge in the planets, adjust to them, and begin the study and research. The chosen families carried on with their lives and their descendants, who continued the work of their ancestors, began to populate the planet.

As long as the alignment protected them, during thousands of years, the lineage remained intact. The 7 planets were kept in an energetic womb formed by the alignment. Therefore, they evolved according to the norms of the universe, maintaining contact with their planets of origin that helped them in every way necessary. When the effects of the alignment began to wear off and the 7 planets took their respective places, they no longer had the energetic protection that sheltered them. When they stopped being nourished with the energetic uterus, the descendants of those volunteer-beings felt the terrible ravage of what was awaiting them.

18. What happened?

We already know part of this history. The energetic distortion, gravity, genetic inheritance from the One Origin and the oblique belt where the planets were located, caused an energetic imbalance that went on crushing and deforming them. The subtleness of their energy could not withstand the density.

The first three planets (Kryon, Antares and Aberon) were the least affected because they were closer to the realities that were less dense and more subtle. So, in a certain way, they were able to escape from a more far-reaching distortion. The remaining 4 planets were located in the center of the oblique belt and, for this reason they absorbed the energetic density to a greater extent.

Their planets of origin were unable to do anything for them. They could not approach them and much less descend to such a crushing and deformed reality. Planets 3.3.4 and 3.3.3 were in the middle of alternate frequencies, which flowed from one side to the other, allowing these two planets to position themselves within alternative states of vibrational frequency. This meant that, due to their location and helped by the universal movement of translation, at times, these planets were within a more subtle energy and at other moments, they were within denser energies. This did not happen with planets 3.3.2 and 3.3.1, which, unfortunately, were totally immersed in the more intense level of density.

19. How did the planets move out of the protective line?

We have to understand that the universe is not flat; it is horizontal, vertical, oblique, etc. When an alignment takes place, constellations intercross. As the configuration of the alignment changes, constellations in certain conjunctures tend to form others. This means that the universe adapts and restructures its bases. Nothing stays exactly the same forever. The universe is in constant movement, always interconnecting angles, forming incredible geometric


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 ...this, will continue tomorrow...

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Book 1:

Link to first PAGE

BooK   1:

Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO  

BOOk    2: 

PLANET 3.3.3.

Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3. 

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 . Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.


Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new  .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.


 Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .

" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.




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