Wednesday, October 8, 2014

48/49/50 _ _ _EL SER UNO II PLANET 3.3.3. THE GUARDIANS OF TERA ::: Book 2

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Sin Conocimiento,  no vivo
Sin entendimiento,  no existo
sin amor incondicional,  no Soy 

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 The BEing ONE


Without knowledge , I do not live

 Without understanding, I do not exist 
without unconditional love , I am NOT


PLANET 3.3.3.

Book 2

Document Transcript

Two . INTERNATIONAL DATA MAPPING IN SÃO PAULO , BRAZIL RELEASE . NO COPYRIGHT . REGISTRATION : 314,912 | LIVRO : 575 | FOLHA : 72 Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . Book originally published by the author and Canal : Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . All rights in the text , including external and internal drawings are reserved for exclusive use by the author . No part of this book may be REPRODUCED , ALTERED, OR USED EDITED form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording , Internet , television , cinema or storage system database, without written permission of the author except in cases of short stretches cited in critical reviews or articles from magazines, newspapers or any media . The reproduction, change, alteration or misuse of the contents of this book and drawings shall be subject to prosecution , protected by the copyright law . BE THE ONE I - The Arcane of Thoth. BEING ONE II - Metro 333 - Tera Guardians . We inform all people of good will who BEING ONE is not linked with people who can use the name of the author and the same , holding conferences , groups, selling prints , videos , advertising and charging for their services or asking for donations on behalf of this knowledge. The canal does also know , that it has no responsibility to those that transmit and interpret knowledge BEING ONE in their own way , guided or not based on the original writings that are in your text. BEING ONE is a FREE knowledge , not any events coalesced to gain money or any other type by another , which could be used to their advantage. 2

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41. Where are the inner cities of the intra-terrestrials located?

At that time two cities were founded, one in the North Pole and the other in the South Pole. The intra-terrestrials from the north took refuge in the highest parts of Greenland and Norway. They established one of the most prosperous cities of that time, which was called Lemuria.

The volunteers of the spacecraft and the intra-terrestrials in the North Pole were always in contact with the intra-terrestrial descendants of the Ebiarians and Tenezians that were in South America and part of Africa. These also founded another flourishing and advanced city named


Communication between these two cities was carried out telepathically. Since the atmosphere in certain places was detrimental, they could not go out to the surface of the planet. Through many experiments carried out in the study laboratory, the intra-terrestrials managed to transform the atmosphere and the planet into a suitable place for their basic survival and development needs. When they were able to go out to the surface, the northern and the southern races intermixed and procreated. Thus they created two important races of that time – the Lemurian and the Atlantean races.

42. Are we a result of laboratory experiments?

Yes, you are the outcome of laboratory experiments. When intra-terrestrials redirected the matter-energy, they were able to correct and separate the masculine and feminine energy and place them in their respective bodies and forms. From that time on, we can say that you began to return. Women of the surface began to be genetically prepared to receive intra-terrestrial semen. In this way, the offspring would be born with 50% of energy that was not distorted and evolution would take care of correcting the other 50%.

First, they had to correct the energy that had totally deviated from its creative path. At that time, due to the tremendous distortion, beings of the exterior had become hermaphrodites.

Procreation weakened more and more and offspring were born with no cellular and genetic renewal. The laboratories served for study and research as well as to improve the descendants.

In this way, extinction of the species was averted on Planet Tera.

Lemuria and Atlantis assumed that task. They selected some women from the surface who were taken to the laboratories and artificially inseminated. We must clarify that these women were still in an animalized and savage state. They had no idea of what they were undergoing.

They would keep the memory of it but were unable to transmit it. Once inseminated, they were left in their habitat on the surface to continue the procreation process. In this way the intra-
terrestrials gradually improved the descendants and the race of the surface began recovering, correcting its energy and directing it towards the correct path of creation. A long time went by and many experiments were needed to achieve their aim to prevent the distortion from advancing.

We began this process of improvement about 2 million years ago.


43. Did our thought-energy keep up with the correction of matter?

No, it did not. The intra-terrestrials achieved the correction of matter but mental energy was in absolute obscurity. The brain functioned in rudimentary conditions, like an animal. When the energy was rectified through evolution, we were also able to inspire humans to awaken their consciousness. This work was assigned to us, the volunteers who live in the spacecraft.

44. How was thought-energy amended?

The women who had been inseminated formed a lineage of experiences. All their descendants were chosen to continue the experiments. Through evolution, these women remained able to procreate. Their bodies manifested great improvements, which they bequeathed from generation to generation.

Approximately 150 thousand years ago, evolution had advanced splendidly. Humans from the surface were developed and strong. Their matter-energy progressed within universal parameters. The intra-terrestrials had managed to help their brothers and sisters, but through the implants they had not been able to activate thought correlation, which was dormant and inactive.

Just as the intra-terrestrials had been able to help humans and amend them through evolution, we, the volunteers of the spacecraft, had to mentally inseminate the human woman for her to bequeath our energy to her offspring and so activate the circuits that were still dormant.

The 4 chosen volunteers disincarnated and then incarnated in 4 intra-terrestrials. These grew up and were prepared to procreate with four women belonging to the amended lineage. Their offspring were born with their pineal, pituitary and rima glands energetically activated, which began functioning. Thus, thought-energy awakened and first activated consciousness and after, correlatively, all the rest. That was how the 4 four volunteers, incarnated mentally in the generations of those who were on the surface, were able to help you to be what you are today.

45. Can we know the names of the 4 volunteers?

The 4 volunteers who went out to procreate with the human woman knew that they would be trapped in deformed minds and bodies. Nevertheless, they sacrificed themselves in order to bequeath the amendment of their species to their offspring. Nowadays their energies are disseminated in millions of beings who carry in themselves the legacy handed down by these volunteers.

Every so often an avatar emerges among you. It is the seed that sprouts and gives its fruits. It is the legacy of all of us who are in the spacecraft. Our energies live within you and issue forth as evolution and elevation progress.

The four species chosen by Morlem came from 4 planets. The 660 volunteers were divided in 165 from each species, and each one of them came from a lineage that presumably had already been formed in his or her own planet. They were:

Planet Lineage

Ambiares Ra

Retryon Vis


Ebiar Tarik

Tenezia Hak

46. Did Lemuria and Atlantis exist at the same time? I thought there were two different times.

They were founded at the same time and developed parallel. The 4 volunteers that incarnated in the 4 intra-terrestrials also left part of their energy in them, and helped them surpass and perfect their thought-energy. Since then, the intra-terrestrials were also helped by us and became a lineage because while procreating with the human woman from the surface they passed on both their and our lineage. When the two lineages were joined, they were separated according to:

Lineage of intra-terrestrial material-energy Lineage of mental-energy of the volunteers.

Therefore, your lineage is part of two legacies: the mental volunteer and the material intra-
terrestrial. The amendment of the distorted ones on the surface comes from these two lineages.

47. Are the 6 billion inhabitants from the surface of the Earth part of the above-
mentioned lineage?

The 6 billion inhabitants do have that lineage, although some have it in a greater proportion than


Let us go on with the history for you to understand...

We can say that of the 576 volunteers who were trapped in the outside, 144 fled and were saved by going into the deep caverns of Tera. The others, who stayed on the outside, procreated and spread throughout the planet. We have to realize that the distortion came about slowly, the same as happened with the correction.

Time went by. The humans on the outside became deformed and animalized. They lived in the darkness of their sickness. Meanwhile, the 144 living inside Tera also developed, procreated and formed their families. It was during this time that the human women on the surface were inseminated by intra-terrestrials, thousands of times and in different periods, so many times that one could say that the return was taking place. The offspring being born had not been procreated with semen from the outside, because it was impaired, genetically distorted and with no force of creation.

For a long time, the offspring that were born were children of the intra-terrestrials. It was the only way to recover them. The descendants were born with abilities and with correlated thought-
energy. This went on until humans began to understand their environment and to make it a reflection of their own needs.

When masculine energy corrected its genes and started to show signs of recovery, the intra-
terrestrials discontinued the insemination of the women because the male humans would form the characteristics of their descendants. When the intra-terrestrials stopped inseminating the women, the offspring no longer manifested superhuman characteristics, as in some cases. The progeny suffered a slight regression in development, but it was necessary to let it happen 50because in that way the intra-terrestrials permitted the humans on the surface to develop completely and through their own inheritance.
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 ...this, will continue tomorrow...
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Book 1:

Link to first PAGE

BooK   1:

Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO  

BOOk    2: 

PLANET 3.3.3.

Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3. 

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 . Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.


Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new  .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.


 Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .

" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.




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