Monday, November 27, 2017

145 - BROTHERS AND SONS:, The Being One III, The SERAMITAS, THE Path BACK, Book 3-2017,

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The Being One
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Sin Conocimiento, no vivo
Sin entendimiento, no existo
sin amor incondicional, no Soy
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The BEing ONE
Without knowledge  I do not live
Without understanding, I do not exist
without unconditional love, I am NOT
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-The Being One III
- Book 3
Document Transcript
Two . INTERNATIONAL DATA MAPPING IN SÃO PAULO , BRAZIL RELEASE . NO COPYRIGHT . REGISTRATION : 314,912 | LIVRO : 575 | FOLHA : 72 Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . Book originally published by the author and Canal : Franca Rosa Canon Schramm . All rights in the text , including external and internal drawings are reserved for exclusive use by the author . No part of this book may be REPRODUCED , ALTERED, OR USED EDITED form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording , Internet , television , cinema or storage system database, without written permission of the author except in cases of short stretches cited in critical reviews or articles from magazines, newspapers or any media . The reproduction, change, alteration or misuse of the contents of this book and drawings shall be subject to prosecution , protected by the copyright law . BE THE ONE I - The Arcane of Thoth. BEING ONE II - Metro 333 - Tera Guardians . We inform all people of good will who BEING ONE is not linked with people who can use the name of the author and the same , holding conferences , groups, selling prints , videos , advertising and charging for their services or asking for donations on behalf of this knowledge. The canal does also know , that it has no responsibility to those that transmit and interpret knowledge BEING ONE in their own way , guided or not based on the original writings that are in your text. BEING ONE is a FREE knowledge , not any events coalesced to gain money or any other type by another , which could be used to their advantage. 2
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The Way Back
The Road Back
The Path Back
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... We will add that tragedy to what you passed on the surface of Tera, when you began to distort.
You must understand that emotions are nothing other than thought-energies (souls) that live within you and that are in the subconscious, demanding, shouting, wanting to prevail ... You, through understanding, are helping them.
These are the emotions that you inherited from Satien; these are the thought-energies that you must transmute through the understanding, and to do so, you will have to filter it through renunciation.
In this way you will make them part of your high thoughts, eradicate the emotion illness, and you will make it disappear forever by turning it intofeelings.
154. The Cosmic Confederation and you always knew everything that would happen, or are you discovering it through us?
... The Cosmic Confederation and us, we have learned from Kryon, Antares,Aberón and Cyrius.
The Ayaplianos volunteers of those planets gave us the keys to be able to eradicate the cancer, or rather, the conglomerate of thought-energies that formed the disease, since they were the first to detect and cure them.
Everything that is happening with you has been studied, researched, programmed and calculated.
Yes, we knew it and we have acted according to the experiences transmitted.
155.So, when we left the ships, we already knew everything we were going to go through?
...What we are currently living was already programmed?
... Yes, everything was programmed to a certain extent.
The reality where Tera is located, that is, the Primary Dimension, third degree, we can not compare it with the other planets: these are found in more advanced and higher realities.
The distortion that you had comparatively with these planets has been five times stronger and deeper, but the motives of the distortion were the same: the sick negative emotions of Satien.
The method used has been the same, but reinforced in its maximum expression.
When a tumor forms within you, they are sick negative emotions that have agglomerated and do not know where to go.
They are lost souls who are suffering and suffering; they come together in pain andsuffering that emotions have caused.
They scream desperately to be healed, and they raise their heads to their One Being imploring forgiveness to their Creator ... who are yourselves ...

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...Sumaremos esa tragedia a lo que ustedes pasaron en la superficie de Tera,
cuando comenzaron a distorsionarse. 

Ustedes deben entender que las emociones no son otra cosa que energías-pensamientos (almas) que viven
dentro de ustedes y que se encuentran en el subconsciente, exigiendo, gritando, queriendo prevalecer... Ustedes, a través del entendimiento, las están ayudando. 

Estas son las emociones que ustedes heredaron de Satién; estas son las energías-pensamientos que ustedes deberán transmutar a través del
entendimiento, y para hacerlo, la tendrán que filtrar a través de la renuncia. 

De esta forma las harán parte de sus pensamientos elevados, erradicarán la
enfermedad emoción, y la harán desaparecer para siempre convirtiéndola en

154.¿La Confederación Cósmica y ustedes siempre supieron todo lo que pasaría, o lo están descubriendo a través de nosotros?

...La Confederación Cósmica y nosotros
hemos aprendido de Kryón, Antares,
Aberón y Cyrius. 

Los voluntarios
Ayaplianos de esos planetas nos dieron las
claves para poder erradicar el cáncer, o mejor dicho, el conglomerado de energías-pensamientos que formaron la enfermedad, ya que ellos fueron los
primeros en detectarlas y curarlas. 

Todo lo que está sucediendo con ustedes
ha sido estudiado, investigado, programado y calculado. 

Sí, lo sabíamos y hemos actuado de acuerdo a las experiencias transmitidas.

155.Entonces, ¿cuando salimos de las naves
ya sabíamos todo lo que
íbamos a pasar? 
¿Lo que estamos viviendo en la actualidad ya estaba

...Sí, estaba todo programado hasta cierto punto. 

La realidad donde Tera se encuentra ubicada, o sea la Dimensión Primaria, tercer grado, no la podemos
comparar con los otros planetas: estos se encuentran en realidades más avanzadas y elevadas. 

La distorsión que ustedes tuvieron comparativamente
con esos planetas ha sido cinco veces más fuerte y más profunda, pero los motivos de la distorsión fueron los mismos:

las emociones negativas enfermas de Satién.

El método usado ha sido el mismo, pero reforzado en su máxima

Cuando dentro de ustedes se forma un tumor, son emociones
negativas enfermas que se han aglomerado y no saben dónde ir. 

Son almas perdidas que están penando y sufriendo; ellas se juntan en el dolor y
sufrimiento que las emociones le han causado. 

Gritan desesperadamente para
ser curadas, y levantan su cabeza a su Ser Uno implorando el perdón a su Creador... que son ustedes mismos...

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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
^ ^ ^
BooK 3
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.

Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.

Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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katgiph transparent


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 * * * *  * * Timeless messages ^^^  "I know that there is only one Living, True and Infinite God, Creator, Generator and Caretaker ...

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