Wednesday, February 13, 2019

207, How can we achieve it individually if we are often surrounded by negativity?,BROTHERS AND SONS, -The Being One III, The SERAMITAS, THE Path BACK, Book 3, 2018,

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The human being, even looking at THE TRUTH, frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, because he is still ASLEEP mentally ...!.. he only recognizes greed, and material ambition ..!

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-The Being One III,
Book 3,

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The Being One
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251. How can we achieve it individually if we are often surrounded by negativity?

Yes, we understand the effort that you, good beings, are making.

It is not easy, since today, those who are awakening, are the pioneers of the great change that will take place, and because they are the first, they are the ones who will suffer the most, because their lives are displaced and intertwined with negativity and the ignorance.

We know that awakening, today, is for daring, courageous beings, because it is the path that many of you have chosen; is that the spirit drives you to an internal knowledge, and an innate wisdom.

But, in that awakening, you must also reign the balance of your works, actions and thoughts.

The awakening of the conscience, of the inner life, is very important, but if this awakening is not done with much balance, it tends to be exaggerated in its content, understanding, and projection in your lives.

We want to say, that the internal belief governs your actions, and leaves behind the natural, the spontaneous, the incredibly human, that makes you, to be different from the others.

This internal realization, and wanting to do it the best that you can, sometimes, makes you inflexible, and judgmental, of others, wanting in that eagerness, to convert and transform all the loved ones, who live around you.

Then, you begin to press, and forget, that you must, first of all, respect the space of others, and understand that the rhythm of each one is different.

What are the problems that arise when choosing the spiritual path?

* Feeling, that nobody understands you.
* Perceiving, that others see you, different.
* Want, others, to think, just like you.
* You speak all day, of the same subject.
* You feel, that others are ignorant.

* The discovery, that your partner does not want the same, that you.

* Want, that your partner, or your children, carry the same rhythm.

* Recommend, countless books, to all friends.

* Feel, that you are thousands of kilometers away.

* Do not feel, comfortable, when you attend a meeting.

* Start you, to become, in withdrawn people.

* Close, in yourselves.

* Look at others, from above.

* Think, that nothing can happen to you, because you are protected, by "God".

* Feeling "chosen" and "enlightened".

* Believe, that this or that belief is the absolute truth.

Look at others with great sorrow.

* Believe, with absolute certainty, that you are on the right path.

These types of emotions are wrong. 

When you begin to feel these distorted emotions, you have to understand that the path you are going through is not correct.

The true elevation, contrary to these erroneous emotions, should make you feel like:

> The Wanting to communicate, and to understand, with people, with love.

> That nobody perceives the knowledge,
Hide that for the propitious moment.

> Respect the way of thinking of all those around you.

> Talk about thousands of topics, and among them, the one that you like the most.

> Know, that everyone is on the road, in different degrees.

> Respect the space of the couple.

> Understand that the rhythm of beings is different.

> Recommend a book, when others ask for it, or really need it.

> Integrate to life, with love, and joy.

> Have fun, when you go, to a meeting.

> Do not separate, from the beings that love you.

> Open your hearts, for all, those who are close to you.

> No one, are more than the other, we, all together, form a whole.

"God is for everyone, and everyone, for himself."

> Nobody chose you, you only woke up.

> Nobody has the absolute truth, only our Creator.

Just as you have pity on others, others will have it on you. 

You will know that you are on the right path, knowing the cause and the effect.

 If you do not take this path with much balance, the people around you will feel bad with you, and instead of leading them and helping them, they will begin to feel rejected by everything you say and express.

The loved ones who live and participate in life with you, seeing you happy and fulfilled, will feel you a little distant from them, will believe that you have stopped loving them to dedicate yourselves to the spiritual path; then many of them will begin to feel jealousy, consequently they will not want to know anything about the spiritual path, and when you try to tell them about these issues, they will not listen, because they will feel that this spiritual path separated you from them.

The path of elevation is internal and very lonely, but not for that reason you should move away or hide.

What you have to learn is to balance it between this material reality and spiritual realization. 

You will have to learn when to speak, silence, advise, discern, apply, respect and intervene; It will not be when you want: it will be when others, or life itself, ask for it, without imposing, forcing or expecting a return.

"The true teacher is the one who enters, leaves, falls and climbs in all degrees, planes and dimensions"...

252. How can we spiritually deal with energy money, source of corruption, power and ambition?
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251. ¿Cómo podemos lograrlo individualmente si muchas veces nos encontramos rodeados de negatividad?
Sí, comprendemos el esfuerzo que los seres de bien están realizando. 
No es fácil, puesto que hoy en día, los que están despertando, son los pioneros del gran cambio que se realizará, y por ser los primeros, son los que más van a sufrir, porque tus vidas se desplazan y entrelazan con la negatividad y la ignorancia.
Sabemos que el despertar, hoy en día, es para los seres osados, y valientes, porque es el camino que muchos de ustedes, han elegido; es que el espíritu los impulsa por un conocimiento interno, y una sabiduría innata. 
Pero, en ese despertar, también deberá reinar el equilibrio de tus obras, acciones y pensamientos. 
El despertar de la conciencia, de la vida interior, es muy importante, pero si este despertar no se realiza con mucho equilibrio, generalmente se tiende a exagerar en su contenido, entendimiento, y proyección en tus vidas. 
Queremos decir, que la creencia interna, rige sus actos y acciones, y deja atrás lo natural, lo espontáneo, lo increíblemente humano, que los hace a uds, ser diferentes de los demás. 
Esta realización interna, y el querer hacerla lo mejor que pueden, a veces, los convierte en personas inflexibles, y juzgadoras, de los demás, queriendo en ese afán, convertir y transformar a todos los seres queridos, que viven alrededor de ustedes. 
Entonces, uds, comienzan a presionar, y a olvidarse, de que uds deben, ante todo, respetar el espacio de los otros, y entender, que el ritmo de cada uno, es diferente.
¿Cuáles son los problemas que se presentan cuando se escoge el camino espiritual?
*Sentir, que nadie los entiende. 
*Percibir, que los demás, los ven diferente.
*Querer, que los demás, piensen, igual que ustedes.
*Hablar todo el día, del mismo tema.
*Sentir, que los demás son ignorantes.
*Descubrir, que tu pareja, no desea lo mismo, que ustedes.
*Querer, que tu pareja, o tus hijos, lleven el mismo ritmo.
*Recomendar, infinidad de libros, a todos los amigos.
*Sentir, que uds, están a miles de kilómetros de distancia.
*No sentirse uds, comodos, cuando asisten a una reunión.
*Empezar a convertirse, en personas retraídas.
*Cerrarse, en ustedes mismos.
*Mirar a los demás, desde arriba.
*Pensar, que nada les puede suceder, porque uds están protegidos, por “Dios”.
*Sentirse “escogidos”, e “iluminados”.
*Creer, que tal o cual creencia, es la verdad absoluta.
Mirar a los demás con mucha pena.
*Creer, con absoluta certeza, que uds están en el camino correcto.
Estos tipos de emociones, son errados. Cuando comiencen a sentir estas emociones distorsionadas, uds, tienen que entender que el camino que uds están 208 recorriendo, no es correcto. 
La verdadera elevación, al contrario de estas emociones erradas, los deberá hacer sentir: 
>Querer comunicarse, y entenderse, con las personas, con amor.
>Que nadie perciba el conocimiento, escóndanlo para el momento propicio.
>Respetar la manera de pensar de todos los que están alrededor.
>Hablar de miles de temas, y entre ellos, el que más les gusta.
>Saber, que todos están en el camino, en diferentes grados.
>Respetar el espacio de la pareja.
>Entender que el ritmo de los seres, es diferente.
>Recomendar algún libro, cuando lo pidan, o lo necesiten realmente.
>Integrarse a la vida, con amor, y alegría.
>Divertirse, cuando uds vayan, a una reunión.
>No separarse, de los seres que los aman.
>Abrir sus corazones, para todos, los que estén cerca de ustedes.
>Nadie, es más, que el otro, todos juntos forman un todo.“Dios es para todos y cada uno para sí mismo”.
>Nadie los escogió a uds, solo despertaron.
>Nadie tiene la verdad absoluta, solo nuestro Creador.
Así como ustedes tienen pena de los demás, otros la tendrán de ustedes.Sabrán que están en el camino correcto, conociendo la causa y el efecto.Si no llevan este camino con mucho equilibrio, las personas que los rodean se sentirán mal con ustedes, y en vez de encaminarlas y ayudarlas, ellas comenzarán a sentir rechazo por todo lo que digan y expresen. 
Los seres queridos que viven y participan de la vida con ustedes, al verlos felices y realizados, los sentirán un poco distante de ellos, creerán que ustedes los han dejado de amar para dedicarse al camino espiritual; entonces muchos de ellos comenzarán a sentir celos, consecuentemente no querrán saber nada del camino espiritual, y cuando traten de hablarles sobre estos temas, ellos no escucharán, porque sentirán que ese camino espiritual los separó de ellos.
El camino de la elevación es interno y muy solitario, pero no por ello deberán alejarse o esconderse. 
Lo que tienen que aprender es a equilibrarlo entre esta realidad material y la realización espiritual. Tendrán que aprender cuándo hablar, callar, aconsejar, discernir, aplicar, respetar e intervenir; no será cuando ustedes quieran: será cuando los demás o la vida misma lo pidan, sin imponer, obligar o esperar algún retorno.
“El verdadero maestro, es aquel que entra, sale, baja y sube en todos los grados, planos y dimensiones”...
252. ¿Cómo podemos lidiar espiritualmente con la energía dinero, fuente de corrupción, poder y ambición?

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Book 1:
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Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
^ ^ ^
BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.

Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.

Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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The Law of One Session 36
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”
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