Wednesday, May 15, 2019

229, 231+ ORiGiNs - How will the 600 million beings, that will be left outside, be selected?

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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!
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Book 3,

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The Being One
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7 rays:
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273. How will the 600 million beings that will be left outside be selected?

Nobody will select them; This process is carried out by the dynamic attraction of thought-energies.

The Universe of energies - thoughts, works totally different from what you are used to.

The thought-energies, do not work according to the ego: they are attracted by correlation and similarity.

The beings of the future, will be, a compendium of millions of thought-energies, which were united by continuity, and which together, must process some idea or capture and execute the active dynamics of that idea.

When joining that quality of thought-energies, for the Universe, it does not matter what body it should embody, or what name, it will have.

That is why we say that they are the strongest thoughts - energies, that is, the most formed energetic beings (spirits) from the outside, those that will attract those energies and make them part of them.

When those thought-energies formed the energetic beings, then, they will be ready to enter the Inner City, and be part of us, the Seramites.

 The selection is mathematical, and chemical; the thought-crystals unite, and they will form the energetic beings from the outside, who will be in charge of uniting the millions of thought-energies, so that they return to their places of origin.

As the Reptilian sick thought, it did not form an energetic being, it will be considered by the Universe, a weak, sickly, and without consistency energy.

This type of energy, has no place in the Universe, but, uncomfortable, therefore, we must transmute it.
274. What does it really mean for us to be angels and demons?
Will we be like this throughout our existence?

 Undoubtedly, the seven planets, which fell ill, of the negative, sick emotions of Satien, have created, within the context called Universe, a new species: human Ayaplianos.

The seven planets, had the nefarious legacy of the diseased reptilian inheritance.

Each of them, absorbed, in different intensity, those emotions, and, each one worked, in their free will.

All have had to choose, to which of the two species, they wanted to belong, the four planets before you, chose the positive Ayaplian side of creation.

The universal nature of the One Being works basically with elements, and qualities, positive and negative, of the creation, as long as these two forces are in perfect balance and harmony.

When we refer to a diseased negative energy, we are leaving the universal context, because this energy does not belong to the balance, nor to the harmony, therefore, it is an opposite energy, which must be corrected so that it fits within the parameters universal

If we let this energy grow, multiply and divide by the universal body of the One Being, we would be allowing its annihilation, and, consequently, ours.

When we say, that you are angels and demons, we refer to what you are today.

There was a time, in which you were just demons; you were Reptilians in all their expression.

You killed, ate raw meat, tore your enemies apart, and ate them (cannibalism).

 There were no positive emotions inside you.

Today, this energy prevails; you call it psychopathy.

You were totally wild, barbaric, ferocious, brutal and cruel.

-When a psychopath processes information, his part of the emotional brain is not activated.

That is, they are immune to the pain of third parties.

 It is not a disease that is cured; It is a personality disorder that, in addition, makes them especially bright.

It is easy to find psychopaths in very important positions of companies, of politics, or of religion.

They are extremely intelligent; They have an extraordinary capacity for public speaking, and they love power.

Today, still prevail men who retain these Reptilian traits, and, there are secret sects, Reptilians - men, who still continue to practice this barbarism.

When you transformed consciousness into antagonism, it is because the reptilian nature prevailed.

From here arose diseases such as: psychopathy, this sick reptilian emotion has no compassion, pity, commiseration, pity, or anything that resembles it.

 We, the Seramites, have helped you a lot in evolution, but we can not help you, in the elevation, because the Reptilian thought-energies have to be transmuted by you.

In that period, we asked the Cosmic Confederation for help, to send millions of energies -

discarnate thoughts, from other planets, so that they become incarnated in you, to help you transform that reptilian energy, in Ayapliana, that is, to activate positive emotions.

Thus, we were able to overcome the disease that was in its peak, and splendor, that way, you reacted, and you began to lean towards positive emotions such as grief, pain, suffering, pity, anguish, torment, anxiety, etc.

 Due to the positive energetic injection that you had of the Cosmic Confederation, you began to know the positive side, because before that we can tell you that you were Reptilians.

275. How the thought-energies that came from other planets could descend so much, incarnating in a reptilian creature-beast, and above all with the danger of getting sick?

I understand that the named planets have already formed their spirit.

How can a spirit descend? What was the motivation they had to volunteer?

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273. ¿Cómo serán seleccionados los 600 millones de seres que quedarán en el exterior? 

Nadie los seleccionará; este proceso, se realiza por la atracción dinámica de las energías-pensamientos. 

El Universo de energías - pensamientos, funciona totalmente diferente, de lo que ustedes están acostumbrados. 

Las energías-pensamientos, no funcionan de acuerdo al ego: ellas, son atraídas por correlación y similitud. 

Los seres del futuro serán un compendio de millones de energías-pensamientos, que se unieron por continuidad, y que juntas deberán procesar alguna idea o plasmar y ejecutar la dinámica activa de esa idea.  

Al unirse esa calidad de energías-pensamientos, para el Universo no tiene importancia en qué cuerpo deberá encarnar o que nombre tendrá. 

Por eso  decimos  que son las energías - pensamientos más fuertes, o sea, los seres energéticos (espíritus) más formados del exterior, aquellos que atraerán esas energías  y  las harán parte de ellos. 

Cuando esas energías-pensamientos formaron a los seres energéticos, entonces, estarán prontos para entrar a la Ciudad Interna, y ser parte de nosotros, los Seramitas. 

 La selección, es matemática y química; los cristales-pensamientos se unen, y formarán a los seres energéticos del exterior, que se encargarán de unir los millones de energías-pensamientos, para que regresen a sus lugares de origen. 

Como el pensamiento enfermo Reptiliano, no formó un ser energético, será considerado por el Universo, una energía débil, enfermiza, y sin consistencia.  

Este tipo de energías, no tiene cabida en el Universo, pero, incomoda, por lo tanto, hay que transmutarla.

274. ¿Qué es lo que realmente significa para nosotros ser ángeles y demonios? 
¿Seremos así toda nuestra existencia?

 Indudablemente, los siete planetas, que se enfermaron, de las emociones negativas, enfermas, de Satién, han creado, dentro del contexto llamado Universo, una nueva especie: Ayaplianos humanos. 

Los siete planetas, tuvieron el legado nefasto de la herencia reptiliana enferma. 

Cada uno de ellos, absorbió, en diferente intensidad, esas emociones, y, cada uno las trabajó, en su libre albedrío. 

Todos, han tenido que escoger, a cuál de las dos especies, han querido pertenecer, los cuatro planetas antes que ustedes, escogieron el lado ayapliano positivo, de la creación. 

La naturaleza universal del Ser Uno, funciona básicamente, con elementos, y cualidades, positivas y negativas, de la creación, siempre y cuando, estas dos fuerzas se encuentren, en perfecto equilibrio y armonía.  

Cuando nos referirnos a una energía negativa enferma, estamos saliendo del contexto universal, porque esta energía no pertenece al equilibrio, ni a la armonía, por lo tanto, es una energía contraria, la cual deberá ser subsanada para que se encaje dentro de los parámetros universales. 

Si dejáramos a esta energía crecer, multiplicarse y repartirse por el cuerpo universal del Ser Uno, estaríamos permitiendo su aniquilamiento, y, consecuentemente, el nuestro.  

Cuando decimos, que ustedes son ángeles y demonios, nos referimos, a lo que ustedes son actualmente. 

Hubo una época, EN que UDS, eran solo demonios; ustedes fueron Reptilianos en toda su expresión. 

Mataban, comían carne cruda, despedazaban a sus enemigos, y, se los comían (canibalismo).

 no existían dentro de ustedes, emociones positivas. 

Hoy en día, prevalece esta energía; ustedes la llaman sicopatía. 

Ustedes, eran totalmente salvajes, bárbaros, feroces, brutales y crueles. 

-Cuando un psicópata procesa información, su parte del cerebro emocional, no se activa. 
Es decir, son inmunes, al dolor de terceros. 
 No se trata de una enfermedad que se cure; es un trastorno de la personalidad que, además, les hace ser especialmente brillantes. 

Es fácil encontrar psicópatas en puestos muy importantes de empresas, de la política, o de la religión. 

Son sumamente inteligentes; tienen una capacidad extraordinaria para la oratoria, y les encanta el poder. 

Hoy en día, aún prevalecen hombres que conservan estos rasgos Reptilianos, y, existen sectas secretas, de Reptilianos - hombres, que aún continúan practicando esta barbarie. 

Cuando ustedes transformaron la conciencia en antagonismo, es porque la naturaleza reptiliana prevaleció. 

De aquí surgieron las enfermedades como: psicopatía, esta emoción reptiliana enferma no tiene compasión, piedad, conmiseración, lástima, ni nada que se le parezca. 

 Nosotros, los Seramitas, los hemos ayudado mucho en la evolución, pero no podemos ayudarlos, en la elevación, porque las energías - pensamientos Reptilianos, tienen que ser transmutados por ustedes. 

En ese periodo, pedimos ayuda a la Confederación Cósmica, que mandase millones de energías - 
pensamientos desencarnadas, de otros planetas, para que se encarnasen en ustedes, para ayudarlos a transformar esa energía reptiliana ,en Ayapliana, o sea, para activarles emociones positivas. 

Así, pudimos vencer la enfermedad que se encontraba en su auge, y esplendor, de esa forma, ustedes reaccionaron, y uds comenzaron a inclinarse hacia emociones positivas como la pena, dolor, sufrimiento, lástima, angustia, tormento, ansia, etc. 

 Debido a la inyección energética positiva que ustedes tuvieron de la Confederación Cósmica, comenzaron a conocer el lado positivo, porque antes que eso podemos decirles que ustedes eran Reptilianos.  
275. ¿Cómo las energías-pensamientos que vinieron de otros planetas pudieron descender tanto, encarnándose en una criatura-bestia reptiliana, y sobre todo con el peligro de enfermarse? 
Entiendo que los planetas nombrados ya formaron su espíritu. 
¿Cómo un espíritu puede descender? ¿Cuál fue la motivación que ellos tuvieron para ofrecerse como voluntarios?
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To The  Universe...!
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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
^ ^ ^
BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.

Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.

Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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The Law of One Session 36
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”
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39 - 40 - ORiGiNs - You are made up of chemical elements

 * * * *  * * Timeless messages ^^^  "I know that there is only one Living, True and Infinite God, Creator, Generator and Caretaker ...

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