Monday, July 1, 2019

237, 240+, Is it good, to work in a group, or individually?, BROTHERS AND SONS, The Being One III, The SERAMITAS, THE Path BACK, Book 3, 2018,

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Book 3,

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The Being One
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285. Is it good to work in a group or individually?
Some time ago, people went from spiritual retreat, to some solitary place, to meditate, and to be closer to God.

The years passed, and, that modality disappeared, and no one has the time for these spiritual retreats, because life is so hectic and fast, that you, have had to adapt, and spiritualize, in the midst of a modern, conflictive world and controversial.

Nowadays, life is not like years ago, where you had more time to dedicate yourself.

Life has changed, it is more dynamic and interactive.

What you used to call spiritual retreat, today became working groups.

When the beings woke up, they felt the internal need, to exchange their spirituality with other beings, then, they looked for, and they found, people who met, and worked in groups, the spiritual themes that attracted them so much.

When they met, they talked and exchanged their thoughts, and being together, even once a week, helped them to understand the path that opened before them, since many times the participants of the group confessed that they did not feel understood. his family, because most of the people around them did not understand them, or did not want to share them with them.

Thus, the working groups emerged.

This modality, replaced the famous spiritual retreats, and the people began to meet, looking for spiritual help in those groups, or they wanted, in a certain way, to receive other teachings, that had not been understood, or that even the religions could not transmit, or answer

As always, the cunning of man is very great.

They emerged, who, seeing the need of people to seek spiritual help, Invented needs to sell solutions ...

They founded the famous spiritual schools, where they became guides and teachers, and above all, where people had to "pay" to be led to paradise, and to eternal life.

Properly, the people replaced the Religious Institutions, by the esoteric and mystical Institutions.

So you have been for a long time, believing, that by belonging to this or that school, you were already saved, and, that you could have your piece of heaven, which was already reserved for everyone.

We are not going to judge this or that school, nor criticize this or that group.

We believe that it is necessary that nowadays, with all the information that you have, and, the help that is coming, the way of thinking, or seeing, the spiritual path, should be broader, because you can direct it with responsibility and conscience otherwise.

Group work is wonderful, as long as each of the members contributes their knowledge, and understanding, thus preventing it from becoming a boring monologue of the one who intends to coordinate it.

If everyone in the group maintains equilibrium, and knowledge is carried through research and study, the union of the group becomes an extraordinary food for the spirit, because together they feed back.

The most serious problem that arises when working in a group occurs when the leader or coordinator calls himself teacher, guru, channeler, and so many names that are placed, leading the group to veneration, adoration and
psychological dependence, both towards oneself, and the ascended teacher, from which all learn through their teachings.

Working in a group means coordination, collaboration, learning and teaching.

These qualities must be taught, and recycled, among the whole group, so everyone learns from everyone, and, everyone teaches everyone.

This is the best way to avoid that the egos emerge, or, that these egos, become dominators, or possessors, of the absolute truth.
For the group to function properly, it is necessary to distribute the work, and, to give each one a responsibility: thus everyone feels useful, and necessary, within it.

This responsibility should be rotating; in this way, all, give and receive, and, nobody becomes an irreplaceable need.

If there were within the group, that, or those, who channel, receiving elevated messages of teaching, should be distributed equally among all, and the group should not convert these people into special beings, or elected.

They simply have a certain mediumistic or telepathic quality that others do not possess.

Incidentally, the coordinator or messenger has to work on his human side like any other member of the group.

You will always notice through life, that when a group intervenes the money factor, everything begins to deteriorate.

When the guru, teacher or channeler begins to charge for their services in some way, that group is already predestined to finish or get rid, because the people who pay, in some way charge very strongly for the return, and, demand an excellent service.

When they do not obtain it, the people who paid tend to (not always) discredit the group, the teachings, and often the person who gives it.

Form a working group is, as the word says: group.

It means that, among all, they must share the work, responsibility, help, expenses, commitment, help, benefits and effort.

They must understand, that belonging to a group does not mean following, venerating, worshiping, submission, obedience, submission, and more to the guru, or the supposed teacher of that group.

Belonging to a spiritual work group means: participation, collaboration and exchange of: experiences, knowledge, understanding and love among all participants, helping each other, and, leaning on the path of elevation.

The work of a true group of spiritual work, is enriching, extraordinary and very positive, because the exchange of thoughts between beings, will make them, open-minded people, because they will be fed in such a way, that no book, or teaching, he can transmit them.

The teachings that each one obtains will be multiplied a thousand times more, like the parable of the loaves, because the understanding of the teachings read or imparted will come from other angles.

Each person in the group will have their own angle, and different vision, of knowledge, and understanding, which, generally, escape understanding by being on the other side of the angle.

Today, you need to support yourself, and work together, train among all,
a halo of friendship and collaboration, without egos or personal achievements.

You should think that today, disunity, has formed great deserts of flat, dry sand, and without the water of life.

But, if you unite in love, together you will form high mountains, so high that you will touch the sky with your hands, where there will be springs of pure water, where the most beautiful flowers that you can imagine will flourish, and where all of you will be able to feed on eternal life, because they will never lack anything.

286. Most beings on the path of elevation tell us that love will lead us to spiritual transcendence. What happens to the knowledge and understanding that you preach to us so much?

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285. ¿Es bueno trabajar en grupo o individualmente?238
Hace un tiempo atrás, las personas, se iban de retiro espiritual, a algún lugar solitario, para meditar, y, estar más cerca de Dios. 

Los años pasaron, y, esa modalidad desapareció, ya nadie tiene el tiempo para esos retiros espirituales, porque la vida es tan agitada y rápida, que ustedes, se han tenido que adaptar, y espiritualizarse, en medio de un mundo moderno, conflictivo y controversial.

Hoy en día, la vida ya no es como años atrás, donde tenían más tiempo para dedicarse a ustedes mismos. 

La vida ha cambiado, es más dinámica e interactiva. 

Lo que antes llamaban retiro espiritual, hoy se convirtió en grupos de trabajo.

Cuando los seres despertaban, sentían la necesidad interna, de intercambiar su espiritualidad con otros seres, entonces, buscaban, y encontraban, personas que se reunían, y trabajaban en grupos, los temas espirituales que tanto les atraía.

Al reunirse, conversaban, e intercambiaban sus pensamientos, y el estar juntos, aunque sea una vez por semana, les ayudaba a entender ese camino que se abría ante ellos, ya que muchas veces, los participantes del grupo confesaban que no se sentían comprendidos por su familia, porque la mayoría de personas que los rodeaba, no los entendían, o no querían compartirlo con ellos.

Así, pues, surgieron los grupos de trabajo. 

Esta modalidad, suplió los famosos retiros espirituales, y las personas comenzaron a reunirse, buscando en esos grupos ayuda espiritual, o querían, de cierta manera, recibir otras enseñanzas, que no se habían entendido, o que hasta las mismas religiones no pudieron transmitir, o responder.

Como siempre sucede, la astucia del hombre es muy grande. 

Surgieron aquellos, que, al ver la necesidad de las personas en buscar ayuda espiritual, Inventaron necesidades para vender soluciones...

Fundaron las famosas escuelas espirituales, donde ellos se convirtieron en guías y maestros, y sobre todo, donde las personas debían “pagar” para ser conducidas al paraíso, y a la vida eterna. 

Propiamente, las personas reemplazaron las Instituciones Religiosas, por la Instituciones esotéricas y místicas.

Así han estado ustedes por mucho tiempo, creyendo, que al pertenecer a tal o cual escuela, ya estaban salvados, y, que podían tener su pedazo de cielo, el cual ya estaba reservado para cada uno. 

No vamos a juzgar tal o cual escuela, ni tampoco criticar tal o cual grupo. 

Creemos que es necesario que hoy en día, con toda la información que uds tienen, y, la ayuda que está llegando, la forma de pensar, o ver, el camino espiritual, debe ser más amplio, porque ustedes pueden dirigirlo con responsabilidad y conciencia de otra manera. 

El trabajo en grupo es maravilloso, siempre y cuando cada uno de los integrantes aporte su conocimiento, y entendimiento, evitando así que se convierta en un monólogo aburrido de aquel que pretende llevar la coordinación del mismo. 

Si todos en el grupo mantienen el equilibrio, y el conocimiento es llevado a través de la investigación y estudio, la unión del grupo se convierte en un alimento extraordinario para el espíritu, porque entre todos se retroalimentan.

El problema más grave que surge cuando se trabaja en grupo, ocurre, cuando el líder o coordinador, se autodenomina maestro, gurú, canalizador, y tantos nombres que se coloca, llevando al grupo a la veneración, adoración y 
dependencia psicológica, tanto hacia sí mismo, como del maestro ascendido, del cual todos aprenden a través de sus enseñanzas. 

Trabajar en grupo significa coordinación, colaboración, aprendizaje y enseñanza. 

Estas cualidades deberán ser impartidas, y recicladas, entre todo el grupo, así todos aprenden de todos, y, todos enseñan a todos. 

Esta es la mejor manera de evitar que los egos afloren, o, que estos egos, se conviertan en dominadores, o poseedores, de la verdad absoluta. 

Para que el grupo funcione correctamente, es necesario distribuir el trabajo, y, dar a cada uno, una responsabilidad: así todos se sienten útiles, y necesarios, dentro de él. 

Esta responsabilidad deberá ser rotativa; de esta forma, todos, dan y reciben, y, nadie se convierte en una necesidad irreemplazable. 

Si hubiera dentro del grupo, aquel, o aquellos, que canalizan, recibiendo mensajes elevados de enseñanza, deberán ser distribuidos equitativamente entre todos, y el grupo no debe convertir a estas personas en seres especiales, o elegidos. 

Ellos, simplemente, tienen cierta cualidad mediumnica, o telepática, que los otros no poseen. 

Dicho sea de paso, el coordinador o mensajero, tiene que trabajar su lado humano como cualquier otro integrante del grupo.

Siempre notarán a través de la vida, que cuando en un grupo interviene el factor dinero, todo se comienza a deteriorar.

Cuando el gurú, maestro o canalizador comienza a cobrar por sus servicios de alguna manera, ese grupo ya está predestinado a terminar o deshacerse, porque las personas que pagan, de alguna manera cobran muy fuerte el retorno, y, exigen un excelente servicio. 

Cuando no lo obtienen, las personas que pagaron, tienden (no siempre) a desacreditar al grupo, a las enseñanzas, y, muchas veces a la persona que lo imparte.

Formar un grupo de trabajo es, como la palabra lo dice: grupo. 

Significa que, entre todos, deberán repartirse el trabajo, responsabilidad, ayuda, gastos, compromiso, auxilio, beneficios y esfuerzo. 

Deben entender, que, pertenecer a un grupo, no significa seguir, venerar, adorar, sumisión, obediencia, sometimiento, y más al gurú, o al supuesto maestro de ese grupo. 

Pertenecer a un grupo de trabajo espiritual significa: participación, colaboración e intercambio de: experiencias, vivencias, conocimiento, entendimiento y amor entre todos los participantes, ayudándose, y, apoyándose en el camino de la elevación.

La labor de un verdadero grupo de trabajo espiritual, es enriquecedora, extraordinaria y muy positiva, porque el intercambio de pensamientos entre los seres, hará de ellos, personas de mente abierta, porque se alimentarán de tal manera, que ningún libro, o enseñanza, les podrá transmitir. 

Las enseñanzas que cada uno obtenga, serán multiplicadas mil veces más, como la parábola de los panes, porque el entendimiento de las enseñanzas leídas, o impartidas, vendrá de otros ángulos. 

Cada persona del grupo, tendrá su propio ángulo, y diferente visión, del conocimiento, y entendimiento, los cuales, generalmente escapan de la comprensión por estar en el otro lado del ángulo. 

Hoy en día, ustedes necesitan apoyarse, y trabajar unidos, formar entre todos,
un halo de amistad y colaboración, sin egos ni realizaciones personales.

Uds deben pensar que hoy en día, la desunión, ha formado grandes desiertos de arena plana, seca, y sin el agua de la vida. 

Pero, si uds se unen en el amor, juntos formarán altas montañas, tan altas que tocarán el cielo con las manos, donde existirán manantiales de agua pura, donde florecerán las flores más bellas que podrán imaginar y, en donde todos ustedes podrán alimentarse de la vida eterna, porque nunca les faltará nada.

286. La mayoría de los seres que se encuentran en el camino de la elevación nos dicen que el amor nos llevará a la trascendencia espiritual. ¿Qué sucede con el c\onocimiento y entendimiento que ustedes tanto nos predican?
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To The  Universe...!
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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
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BooK 3
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .
Being ONE
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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”
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The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
 The Law of One Session 45
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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!
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 The Law of One Session 46
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 * * * *  * * Timeless messages ^^^  "I know that there is only one Living, True and Infinite God, Creator, Generator and Caretaker ...

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