Monday, September 2, 2019

12, 14+, Is it commented, that the polarity, of the axes, will be reversed, is it true?, BROTHERS, AND SONS, The BEING ONE, IV COSMIC ALIGNMENT, 7 THOUSAND YEARS, OF PREPARATION 2019,

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  El Ser Uno
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The Being One

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4- Is it commented that the polarity of the axes will be reversed, is it true?
Yes it's correct.
In the second book
The BEing ONE
- Planet 333 -
The Guardians of Tera,
we explain that the energy-thoughts, (souls), disembodied, would be carried, and moved, like a clock, by the minute hand of the six-pointed star, towards the cone-south, where they would be purified, and healed, to return them, through the incarnation, and so, they could continue their learning, and elevation.

Incarnating, again and again, these thought-energies, (souls), would awaken consciousness, and thereby reach the conception of the spirit.

 When conceiving the spirit, the minute hand would take them to the north cone (head of the planet)
where these souls, they would prepare at the exit of the planet, to enter through the second hand, (spirit), to another reality of existence, which we have always named it, as: 

The Inner City.

Today, the weight of the thought-energies (soul - left side of the brain) is mostly in the cone-south.

 This, produces, that the greater energetic volume, is in the left side of the planetary brain.

 By purifying the thought-energies (souls), and, raising their frequency and vibration, the souls will become much milder, channeling them towards the north-cone, thus ridding the cone-south charge.

When this phenomenon happens, the axis of the Earth will be reversed, because, the greatest amount of souls (Energies-thoughts) will be found in the north-cone, that is, the right side of the brain.

  As more souls enter the northern cone, the brain of planet Tera will level off, bringing stability, and balance.

 When this happens, the planet's electromagnetism will stabilize, reversing the gravitational force, from the left to the right side.

The incarnations will occur in the form of eight (Infinity).

For example:

A soul incarnated in Europe, its next incarnation, will be in South-America, to climb through North-America, down through Africa, or Australia, up through Indonesia, Japan, China, enter countries: Russia, Greenland, Iceland and enter again for Europe.

 Thus, you can repeat this route countless times, until you are energetically prepared.

When it reaches the frequency, vibration, rhythm and colors of the elevation, then, when passing through the cross of the number eight it will be defined if it goes to the vortex


from the north, or from the south, it will leave through the umbilical cord, which will allow it to leave, and the journey to another reality of existence, more subtle or denser.

We say that you have 200 years to achieve the objective, and, to be the first to go to the Inner City, for this you must:

 Raise thought energy, conceive the spirit, and transcend.

This will mean having two to three more incarnations.

Following the form of the eight, you will know where they will be born, and, what route they will take, being guided by this infinite number.

The same energetic journey of souls that the planet has, you are experiencing in your micro-universe with thought-energies.

 The two existing Cones in the universe-man are: Energy Procreation Center (Sexual System)

and Energy Center of Creativity (Right side of the brain).

The number eight, (infinity), crosses in the solar plexus, it is there, where thought-energies are defined, if they go towards creativity (North), or, towards procreation (South).

In the same way it is repeated in the human's brain, the path of the thought-energies, goes from the left side, to the right, and vice versa.

The connection, interaction and union of them, is made at the point of union of the eight, (infinite), where exactly the Pineal Gland lies, and, it is there, where you will conceive your spirit, as long as, the greatest amount of energies thoughts are elevated, which will nourish the right side of the brain, so that it can gestate your baby-spirit.

In the universe, the planet-cells are not divided by North, South, East and West.

You divided the planet, to be able to locate.

Actually, for us, the measurements are always by gravity, frequency, rhythm, colors etc. When we find dense frequencies in the universal body, we know that they belong to low energy zones or centers.

For this same reason, when we refer to the North Cone, or South, we always refer to the thought-energies, (souls), of high or very low frequency, although they may be mixed.

When the change of the axis of the planet happens, the same will happen with you.

The thought-energies found in the lower zones, such as 1-2 and 3, which belong to the solar plexus energy centers, downwards, will rise to the elevated zones, that is, at 4-5 and 6, which are the energy centers of the solar plexus, upwards, that is towards the head.
It means that the thought-energies, of instinct, and sensation, those that are pro-creative energies, will raise, and will become, part of creativity, that is, on the right side of the brain.

The energy polarity in you, will also reverse its axis, because the bodies, material and psychic will balance, allowing the energy recycling of the left side, to the right, and, when they both come to merge, they will have conceived their spirit.

5- What will it mean for us that energy polarity reverses its axis

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4- ¿Se comenta que la polaridad de los ejes se invertirán, es cierto?

Si, es cierto. 
En el segundo libro 
– Planeta 333 – 
Los Guardianes de Tera, 
explicamos que las energía-pensamientos, (almas), desencarnadas, serían llevadas, y trasladadas, al igual que un reloj, por el minutero de la estrella de seis puntas, hacia el cono-sur, donde ellas serían depuradas, y sanadas, para devolverlas, a través de la encarnación, y así, ellas podrían continuar su aprendizaje, y elevación.

Al encarnarse, una y otra vez, estas energías-pensamientos, (almas), llegarían a despertar la consciencia, y, con ello alcanzarían la concepción del espíritu. 
Al concebir el espíritu, el minutero las llevaría al cono-norte (cabeza del planeta)


donde estas almas, se prepararían a la salida del planeta, para entrar a través del segundero, (espíritu), a otra realidad de existencia, la cual siempre la hemos nombrado, como: La Ciudad Interna.

Hoy en día, el peso de las energías-pensamientos (alma - lado izquierdo del cerebro) se encuentra mayormente en el cono-sur. 
Esto, produce, que el mayor volumen energético, se encuentre en el lado izquierdo del cerebro planetario. 
Al depurar las energías-pensamientos (almas), y, elevar su frecuencia y vibración, las almas se volverán mucho más leves, encauzándolas hacia el cono-norte, librando de esta manera, la carga del cono-sur.

Al suceder esta fenómeno, el eje de la Tierra, se invertirá, porque, la mayor cantidad de almas (Energías-pensamientos) se encontrarán en el cono-norte, o sea, lado derecho del cerebro. 
 Al entrar una mayor cantidad de almas al cono norte, el cerebro del planeta Tera, se nivelará, trayendo estabilidad, y equilibrio. 
Cuando esto suceda, el electromagnetismo del planeta se estabilizará, invirtiendo la fuerza gravitatoria, del lado izquierdo al derecho.

Las encarnaciones se producirán en forma de ocho (Infinito). 
Por ejemplo:

Una alma encarna en Europa, su próxima encarnación, será en Sur-América, para subir por Norte-América, bajar por África, o Australia, subir por Indonesia, Japón, China, entrar a los países: Rusia, Groenlandia, Islandia y entrar nuevamente por Europa. 
Así, puede repetir este recorrido infinidad de veces, hasta estar preparado energéticamente.

Cuando llegue a la frecuencia, vibración, ritmo y colores de la elevación, entonces, al pasar por el cruce del número ocho se definirá si va para el vórtice


del norte, o del sur, saldrá por el cordón umbilical, que le permitirá la salida, y el viaje hacia otra realidad de existencia, más sutil o más densa.

Decimos que uds tienen 200 años para lograr el objetivo, y, ser los primeros en enrumbarse a la Ciudad Interna, para esto uds deberán:
 Elevar la energía pensamiento, Concebir el espíritu, y, trascender. 
Esto, les significará tener, de dos a tres encarnaciones más. 
Siguiendo la forma del ocho, ustedes sabrán dónde van a nacer, y, que recorrido harán, guiándose por este número infinito.

El mismo recorrido energético de almas que el planeta tiene, ustedes lo están experimentando en su micro-universo con las energías-pensamientos. 
 Los dos Conos existentes en el universo-hombre son: Centro energético de Procreación (Sistema Sexual) 
y Centro energético de Creatividad (Lado derecho del cerebro). 
El número ocho, (infinito), se cruza en el plexo solar, es ahí, donde se definen las energías-pensamiento, si se van hacia la creatividad (Norte), o, hacia la procreación (Sur).

De igual manera se repite en el cerebro del humano, el recorrido de las energías-pensamientos, van del lado izquierdo, al derecho, y viceversa. 
La conexión, interacción y unión de ellas, se realiza en el punto de unión del ocho, (infinito), donde radica exactamente la Glándula Pineal, y, es ahí, donde ustedes concebirán su espíritu, siempre y cuando, la mayor cantidad de energías pensamientos, son elevadas, las cuales nutrirán el lado derecho del cerebro, para que este pueda gestar a su bebé-espíritu.

En el universo, las células-planetas no están divididas por Norte, Sur, Este y Oeste. 
Ustedes, dividieron al planeta, para poderse ubicar. 
En realidad, para nosotros, las medidas son siempre por gravedad, frecuencia, ritmo, colores etc. Cuando encontramos en el cuerpo universal frecuencias densas, sabemos que pertenecen a las zonas o centros energéticos bajos.

Por esta misma razón, cuando nosotros nos referimos al Cono Norte, o Sur, siempre nos referimos a las energías-pensamientos, (almas), de frecuencia elevada o muy baja, a pesar que puedan estar mezcladas.

Cuando suceda el cambio del eje del planeta, lo mismo acontecerá con ustedes. 
Las energías-pensamientos que se encuentran en las zonas bajas, como 1-2 y 3, las cuales pertenecen a los centros energéticos del plexo solar, hacia abajo, subirán a las zonas elevadas, o sea, a la 4-5 y 6, que son los centros energéticos del plexo solar, hacia arriba, o sea hacia la cabeza.

Significa, que las energías-pensamientos, de instinto, y sensación, aquellas que son energías pro-creativas, elevarán, y pasarán, a formar parte de la creatividad, o sea, del lado derecho del cerebro. 
La polaridad energética en ustedes, también invertirá su eje, porque los cuerpos, material y psíquico se equilibrarán, permitiendo el reciclaje energético del lado izquierdo, hacia el derecho, y, cuando ellos dos lleguen a fusionarse, habrán concebido su espíritu.

5- ¿Qué significará para nosotros que la polaridad energética invierta su eje

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To The  Universe...!
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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
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BooK 3
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .
Being ONE
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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”
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The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
 The Law of One Session 45
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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!

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 The Law of One Session 46
 The Law of One Session 47

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