Tuesday, November 5, 2019

26, 28+, Will the time machine and holography be discovered in the future?, BROTHERS, AND SONS, The BEING ONE, IV, COSMIC ALIGNMENT, 7 THOUSAND YEARS, OF PREPARATION 2019,

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  El Ser Uno
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The Being One

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16- Will the time machine and holography be discovered in the future?

The time machine is the dream of all scientists, as is holography. 
Today science is in the preambles of the discovery of these two techniques. 
We can say, that holography, will get faster, by the way, 3D, is the beginning of this invention. Future 3D, will cover, absolutely all development
Technician of the virtual world, man will turn and live according to this technique that will be his day to day.

The holographic virtual world will be so vivid, that beings will not know, if what they see, touch and live, is real, or not. 
This will be one of the strongest forms, that the sick-negative force will maintain the domination and manipulation of beings in the second stage of the Cosmic Alignment. 
The fantasy and unreality in which man will be immersed, will lead him to an anomalous state of unconsciousness and frenzy, totally protecting him in the conduction of his existence, and in the truth of his reality.

Time travel, you will partially achieve in the future, this is, because man, will want to do it, with the material body, and that is impossible to do, he can only execute it limitedly with his astral body. 
The future man will have the knowledge, but, what will prevent him from making a trip in time, is the terrible density in electromagnetism. 
Time travel, can be made, as long as the thought-energies and electromagnetism of the Tera cell, are stable.

Since man has no responsibility, or notion of the Cause and Effect, he, cannot make time travel. 
First, because the being who travels astrally, has to have his electromagnetic field, totally stable, sane and in perfect harmony, together with the electromagnetism of the planet, which must meet the same qualities.

Second, by penetrating into the thought-energies of the brain-planet Tera, the time traveler, will enter the akashic record, where absolutely everything that happens in the thought-energies of beings and the planet is recorded, he would have that not only to know, or, to know the history, and the absolute knowledge of those thought-energies, but that it would have to move within them at the speed and changes in which they move.

The brain-planet-Tera keeps in its archives, even the smallest detail of the thought-energies of all time, these are stored as they happened. 
Upon entering the Akashic record, knowledge of the past, and, a result of the future will be obtained, based on cause and effect. 
We want to say, that the record will give the immediate result of the reading you are doing.

The past is already registered, but, the problem for you, would be the changes of the present, which would be giving you millions of results about the future. 
The present, is transforming the past, and the future, at an incredible speed, in millions of thousandths of seconds. 
At this point in the program, you have to express the Theory of Relativity, where movement cannot be measured by time.

Let's see it that way. 
Although the past is already written, it is not stable, because the present is constantly changing it in a matter of millions of thousands of seconds, therefore the future will never be the same, it is unstable and is in constant motion giving results simultaneously and
alternatively. For this reason divination often fails, because the seer saw the result of the cause and effect of the present, based on the cause and effect of the past, which will indicate the future ... immediate

Divination in these conditions will change, because the period that the seer saw in the thought-energies of the person who guessed, has a certain time, since the person will change those thought-energies countless times. Many times divination gives a positive result, it is because the person maintained some stable thought-energies and that allowed the past, present and future to remain unchanged.

You live in the X Factor 
- Probability. 
It means, that your energies thoughts are not stable, you are: inconsistent, unstable, insecure, etc. 
The electromagnetism of the planet feeds on the energies thoughts of the beings of the planet and as long as you do not stabilize your thoughts astrally, time travel cannot be a reality.

Traveling in time, as you call it, is feasible, but, it can always be done in the past, that is, to events that have already happened, and, that remain stable in the Akashic record, you can never do it towards the future, since that future you do not dominate it, it is unpredictable, hesitant, and uncertain. 
Do not forget that you live within the X factor, and this can never give you the right answer, you are always jumping from one place to another, and, that will be the big problem for time travel.

17- Do you travel in time?

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16- ¿La máquina del tiempo y la holografía serán descubiertos en el futuro?

La máquina del tiempo es el sueño de todos los científicos, al igual que la holografía. Hoy en día la ciencia se encuentra en los preámbulos del descubrimiento de estas dos técnicas. Podemos decir que la holografía la van a conseguir más rápido, dicho sea de paso, el 3D es el comienzo de esta invención. Futuramente el 3D abarcará absolutamente todo el desarrollo
técnico del mundo virtual, el hombre girará y vivirá de acuerdo a esta técnica que será su día a día.

El mundo virtual holográfico será tan vívido, que los seres no sabrán si lo que ven, tocan y viven, es real o no. Esta será una de las formas más fuertes, que la fuerza-negativa-enferma mantendrá la dominación y la manipulación de los seres en la segunda etapa del Alineamiento Cósmico. La fantasía e irrealidad en que el hombre estará inmerso, lo conducirá a un estado anómalo de inconsciencia y frenesí, desprotegiéndolo totalmente en la conducción de su existencia y en la verdad de su realidad.

Los viajes del tiempo ustedes lo lograrán parcialmente en el futuro, esto se debe a que el hombre querrá realizarlo con el cuerpo material y eso es imposible hacerlo, solo lo podrá ejecutar limitadamente con su cuerpo astral. El hombre futuro tendrá el conocimiento, pero lo que le impedirá hacer un viaje en el tiempo es la terrible densidad en el electromagnetismo. Los viajes del tiempo se pueden realizar, siempre y cuando las energías-pensamientos y el electromagnetismo de la célula-Tera, se encuentren estables.

Como el hombre no tiene la responsabilidad ni la noción de la Causa y Efecto, no puede realizar el viaje del tiempo. Primero, porque el ser que viaje astralmente, tiene que tener su campo electromagnético totalmente estable, cuerdo y en perfecta armonía, unido al electromagnetismo del planeta, el cual se debe de encontrar con las mismas cualidades.

Segundo, al penetrar dentro de las energías-pensamientos del cerebro-planetaTera, el viajante del tiempo, va a entrar al registro akáshico, donde está grabado absolutamente todo lo que acontece en las energías-pensamientos de los seres y del planeta, él tendría que no solo conocer o saber la historia y el conocimiento absoluto de esas energías-pensamientos, sino que tendría que moverse dentro de ellos a la velocidad y cambios en que ellos se mueven.

El cerebro-planeta-Tera guarda en sus archivos hasta el más mínimo detalle de las energías-pensamientos de todos los tiempos, estos son guardados tal como acontecieron. Al entrar al registro Akáshico se obtendrá el conocimiento del pasado y un resultado del futuro, basado en la causa y el efecto. Queremos decir que el registro dará el resultado inmediato de la lectura que está realizando.

El pasado ya está registrado, pero el problema para ustedes sería los cambios del presente, los cuales les estarían dando millones de resultados sobre el futuro. El presente está transformando el pasado y el futuro a una velocidad increíble en millones de milésimos de segundos. A esta altura del programa, ustedes tienen que plasmar la Teoría de la Relatividad, donde el movimiento no puede ser medido por el tiempo.

Veámoslo así. El pasado aunque ya está escrito, no es estable, porque el presente lo está cambiando constantemente en cuestión de millones de milésimos de segundos, por lo tanto el futuro nunca será el mismo, es inestable y está en movimiento constante dando resultados simultáneamente y
alternativamente. Por esta razón la adivinación muchas veces falla, porque el vidente vio el resultado de la causa y efecto del presente, basado en la causa y efecto del pasado, el cual le indicará el futuro…inmediato

La adivinación en estas condiciones va a cambiar, porque el lapso que el vidente vio en las energías-pensamientos de la persona que adivinó, tiene un tiempo determinado, ya que la persona cambiará esas energías-pensamientos infinidad de veces. Muchas veces la adivinación da un resultado positivo, se debe a que la persona mantuvo algunas energías-pensamientos estables y eso permitió que el pasado, presente y futuro se mantuviese invariable.

Ustedes viven en el Factor X – La Probabilidad. Significa que sus energíaspensamientos no son estables, ustedes son: inconsecuentes, inestables, inseguros, etc. El electromagnetismo del planeta se alimenta de las energías pensamientos de los seres del planeta y mientras ustedes no estabilicen sus pensamientos astralmente, el viaje del tiempo no podrá ser una realidad.

Viajar en el tiempo, como ustedes lo llaman, es factible, pero siempre podrá ser realizado al pasado, o sea a hechos que ya han sucedido y que se mantienen estables en el registro Akáshico, nunca podrán hacerlo hacia el futuro, puesto que ese futuro ustedes no lo dominan, es impredecible, vacilante e incierto. No olviden que ustedes viven dentro del factor X y este nunca les podrá dar la respuesta cierta, siempre está saltando de un lado a otro y ese será el gran problema para los viajes del tiempo.

17- ¿Ustedes realizan viajes en el tiempo?

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To The  Universe...!
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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
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BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons ...study the new .
Being ONE
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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”
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The Law of One Session 49
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The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
 The Law of One Session 45
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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!

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 The Law of One Session 46
 The Law of One Session 47

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 * * * *  * * Timeless messages ^^^  "I know that there is only one Living, True and Infinite God, Creator, Generator and Caretaker ...

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