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El Ser Uno
El Ser Uno
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The Being One
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English, Español
Until now you have understood that in order to transcend you have to
work the sick-negative emotions...
How do you have to do it?
The cosmic inheritance of our universal family, the unique and transcendental legacy that she bequeathed to all her beloved children, are called:
Mind (Father)
Energy (mother)
and these, are synonyms, for soul.
It is then the Soul that governs absolutely everything that exists.
The soul will densify the thought energies or transcend them into states of delicate subtlety.
How do you have to do it?
The cosmic inheritance of our universal family, the unique and transcendental legacy that she bequeathed to all her beloved children, are called:
Mind (Father)
Energy (mother)
and these, are synonyms, for soul.
It is then the Soul that governs absolutely everything that exists.
The soul will densify the thought energies or transcend them into states of delicate subtlety.
you began to distort, and get sick, with the ambition virus, you lived
properly, for millions of years, only with two bodies:
Material (physical)
Astral (soul).
These two bodies are what you fed so far , and, through them, you have been able to get where you are.
If we say, that you got sick, and distorted, then, by logic, we will come to the conclusion, that what you got sick, was the soul, and, it is this, that you must heal, in order to transcend, and conceive, your baby-spirit.
Emotions, and thought-energies, lie in the soul, and, if this does not work well, then, you will understand that what is making you sick, and deteriorating, are the wrong orders that the soul sends to the material body, which only obeys, since It has no opinion, or own command.
And, if the soul is sick, and distorted, then it will not be able to conceive its spirit, so , the conception, will not succeed.
The infinity of knowledge, techniques, songs, messages, schools and more, that exist on the planet, is incredible, to show you the “Spiritual” path, but, none of them, tell you how, or where, to start with healing, in order to achieve transcendence, and true spirituality.
True healing begins with:
Before meditating, singing, doing spiritual exercises, attending retreats, conferences, reading countless metaphysical books, and everything you do for the spiritual path... You must heal yourself, psychoanalyze, understand the problems of your lives, because only then, you will be able to get out of the marasmus you are in.
Cleaning begins at home.
In order to understand, work and realize the energy transcendence of thought-energies, you have to start with the soul...
Because the soul, or the thought-energies, have the capacity, or, rather, the power to concentrate and densify the energy or can lighten it, everything will depend on the Intensity of the thoughts.
If you do not clean your crystals-energies-thoughts of the soul, you will not be able to understand the healing process, and, if you do not understand the thoughts, you will not engrave the cure, therefore, you will continue to turn in a vicious circle, without knowing what happens to you, or, why , that happens, to you.
The transcendence, purification, healing, cleansing and purification of the soul, begins with deep understanding, and, the desire to want to heal.
It is not magic, nor miracle, it is Work, and very strong, deep, conscious and willing.
Many of you, do not know where to start the cure, you have the good intention, but you don't have the means to do it.
Material (physical)
Astral (soul).
These two bodies are what you fed so far , and, through them, you have been able to get where you are.
If we say, that you got sick, and distorted, then, by logic, we will come to the conclusion, that what you got sick, was the soul, and, it is this, that you must heal, in order to transcend, and conceive, your baby-spirit.
Emotions, and thought-energies, lie in the soul, and, if this does not work well, then, you will understand that what is making you sick, and deteriorating, are the wrong orders that the soul sends to the material body, which only obeys, since It has no opinion, or own command.
And, if the soul is sick, and distorted, then it will not be able to conceive its spirit, so , the conception, will not succeed.
The infinity of knowledge, techniques, songs, messages, schools and more, that exist on the planet, is incredible, to show you the “Spiritual” path, but, none of them, tell you how, or where, to start with healing, in order to achieve transcendence, and true spirituality.
True healing begins with:
Before meditating, singing, doing spiritual exercises, attending retreats, conferences, reading countless metaphysical books, and everything you do for the spiritual path... You must heal yourself, psychoanalyze, understand the problems of your lives, because only then, you will be able to get out of the marasmus you are in.
Cleaning begins at home.
In order to understand, work and realize the energy transcendence of thought-energies, you have to start with the soul...
Because the soul, or the thought-energies, have the capacity, or, rather, the power to concentrate and densify the energy or can lighten it, everything will depend on the Intensity of the thoughts.
If you do not clean your crystals-energies-thoughts of the soul, you will not be able to understand the healing process, and, if you do not understand the thoughts, you will not engrave the cure, therefore, you will continue to turn in a vicious circle, without knowing what happens to you, or, why , that happens, to you.
The transcendence, purification, healing, cleansing and purification of the soul, begins with deep understanding, and, the desire to want to heal.
It is not magic, nor miracle, it is Work, and very strong, deep, conscious and willing.
Many of you, do not know where to start the cure, you have the good intention, but you don't have the means to do it.
tell these people, that the work is individual, because each of you, is a
universe, and, as such, it is you who must be concerned with activating
All that is outside of you is NUTRITION AND HELP
so that this process can be carried out properly.
Do not expect other beings, to come, and, take you by the hand, thinking that with this you will achieve salvation and transcendence.
The other beings, will be able to exchange with you, energies-thoughts, and, that will help you a lot, but the work has to be individual, you have to earn it on your own merit, for merit, there is no other way to get it.
What happens when Do you have the desire to do it?
The first step, is to awaken the Creator Desire, it means, wanting to do it, wanting to heal, and , understanding, and knowing oneself internally.
When this happens, a frequency is activated, that will be emitted from the Pineal Gland, which begins to prepare your spiritual womb, to conceive your baby-spirit.
Having activated a cosmic and universal frequency and vibration, the Self will begin to attract other frequencies of harmonic thoughts-energies, which fluctuate in the environment, which will begin to nourish your uterus-Pineal Gland.
It means that, without searching, he will attract by inertia: Friendships, literature, visual or auditory information, experiences etc.
These energetic elements, these elevated thoughts-energies, will be housed in your Pineal Gland, preparing it to conceive the baby spirit.
At this stage of the process, two things can happen: Or the Being rejects all information that comes to it, for various reasons, or, receives this information, and makes it part of itself.
If you reject it, then you are not yet ready for the gestation of your spirit.
In this case you will continue to incarnate until you feel ready to do it.
In the case that if you accept it, then you will begin your process of transformation, transmutation and profound changes, that will lead you, to the path of universal elevation.
As you can see from this explanation, you have expected a lot from the Masters, and Avatars, who came to teach you the Way of Return, you have to understand that it is not through “Those” that you are going to achieve, it is through your teachings that they brought for you, whose foundations, bases and examples, you have to be part of you and by doing them, by understanding and following them, you will be like them.
When you stop dreaming in magic, miracles and divine beings that will come down to Earth to take you with you.
When you stop seeing the pink world, hiding because you don't want to see reality.
When you stop being children, who want to be taken by the hand, by supposed heavenly parents, and become responsible adults.
When angels, divine beings, fairies and everything you believe, become yourselves, then, you will know, that ... You woke up and grew.
30- Do the cures through Reiki give positive results?
All that is outside of you is NUTRITION AND HELP
so that this process can be carried out properly.
Do not expect other beings, to come, and, take you by the hand, thinking that with this you will achieve salvation and transcendence.
The other beings, will be able to exchange with you, energies-thoughts, and, that will help you a lot, but the work has to be individual, you have to earn it on your own merit, for merit, there is no other way to get it.
What happens when Do you have the desire to do it?
The first step, is to awaken the Creator Desire, it means, wanting to do it, wanting to heal, and , understanding, and knowing oneself internally.
When this happens, a frequency is activated, that will be emitted from the Pineal Gland, which begins to prepare your spiritual womb, to conceive your baby-spirit.
Having activated a cosmic and universal frequency and vibration, the Self will begin to attract other frequencies of harmonic thoughts-energies, which fluctuate in the environment, which will begin to nourish your uterus-Pineal Gland.
It means that, without searching, he will attract by inertia: Friendships, literature, visual or auditory information, experiences etc.
These energetic elements, these elevated thoughts-energies, will be housed in your Pineal Gland, preparing it to conceive the baby spirit.
At this stage of the process, two things can happen: Or the Being rejects all information that comes to it, for various reasons, or, receives this information, and makes it part of itself.
If you reject it, then you are not yet ready for the gestation of your spirit.
In this case you will continue to incarnate until you feel ready to do it.
In the case that if you accept it, then you will begin your process of transformation, transmutation and profound changes, that will lead you, to the path of universal elevation.
As you can see from this explanation, you have expected a lot from the Masters, and Avatars, who came to teach you the Way of Return, you have to understand that it is not through “Those” that you are going to achieve, it is through your teachings that they brought for you, whose foundations, bases and examples, you have to be part of you and by doing them, by understanding and following them, you will be like them.
When you stop dreaming in magic, miracles and divine beings that will come down to Earth to take you with you.
When you stop seeing the pink world, hiding because you don't want to see reality.
When you stop being children, who want to be taken by the hand, by supposed heavenly parents, and become responsible adults.
When angels, divine beings, fairies and everything you believe, become yourselves, then, you will know, that ... You woke up and grew.
30- Do the cures through Reiki give positive results?
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29- Hasta ahora han entendido que para trascender tienen que trabajar las emociones-negativas-enfermas…
¿Cómo lo tienen que hacer?
La herencia cósmica de nuestra familia universal, el legado único y trascendental que ella nos legó a todos sus amados hijos, se llaman:
Mente (El padre)
y Energía (la madre)
y estos son sinónimos de alma.
Es pues el Alma lo que rige absolutamente todo lo existente.
El alma va a densificar a las energías-pensamientos, o, las va a trascender, en estados de delicada sutileza.
Cuando ustedes comenzaron a distorsionarse, y, enfermarse con el virus ambición, propiamente vivieron durante millones de años, solo con dos cuerpos:
Material (físico)
Astral (alma).
Estos dos cuerpos, es lo que hasta ahora, ustedes alimentaron, y, a través de ellos, han podido llegar en donde se encuentran.
Si decimos que ustedes se enfermaron, y se distorsionaron, entonces, por lógica, llegaremos a la conclusión, que lo que ustedes enfermaron, fue el alma, y es esta, la que deben curar, para poder trascender, y concebir, su bebé-espíritu.
En el alma radican las emociones, y las energías-pensamientos, y, si ésta no funciona bien, entonces comprenderán, que lo que los está enfermando, y deteriorando, son las órdenes equivocadas que el alma manda para el cuerpo material, el cual solo obedece, ya que, no tiene opinión, ni mando propio.
Y, si el alma se encuentra enferma, y distorsionada, entonces, no podrá concebir su espíritu, así pues, la concepción, no logrará concretarse.
Es increíble la infinidad de conocimientos, técnicas, cantos, mensajes, escuelas y más, que existen en el planeta, para indicarles el camino ―Espiritual‖, pero, ninguna de ellas, les dicen cómo, o, por dónde empezar con la curación, para poder lograr la trascendencia, y la verdadera espiritualidad.
La verdadera curación comienza por:
Antes de meditar, cantar, hacer ejercicios espirituales, asistir a retiros, conferencias, leer infinidad de libros metafísicos, y, todo lo que ustedes hacen para el camino espiritual…Deben curarse a sí mismos, psicoanalizarse, entender la problemática de sus vidas, porque, solo así, estarán en condiciones de salir del marasmo en que se encuentran.
La limpieza comienza por casa.
Para poder entender, trabajar y realizar la trascendencia energética de las energías-pensamientos, tienen uds que comenzar por el alma…
¿Por qué?
Porque el alma, o sea, las energías-pensamientos, tienen la capacidad, o mejor dicho, el poder, de concentrar, y densificar la energía, o, puede aligerarla, todo dependerá de la Intensión de los pensamientos.
Si ustedes no limpian sus cristales-energías-pensamientos del alma, no podrán entender el proceso de curación, y, si no lo entienden, los pensamientos no grabarán la cura, por lo tanto, continuarán girando en un círculo vicioso, sin saber que les acontece, o, porque les sucede.
La trascendencia, depuración, curación, limpieza y purificación del alma, comienza con el entendimiento profundo y el deseo de querer curarse.
No es magia, ni milagro, es Trabajo, y muy fuerte, profundo, consciente, y de mucha voluntad.
Muchos de ustedes, no saben por dónde comenzar la cura, tienen la buena intensión, pero, no tienen los medios para realizarlo.
A estas personas, les decimos, que el trabajo es individual, porque, cada uno de ustedes, es un universo, y, como tal, son ustedes que se deben preocupar de activar la espiritualidad.
Todo lo que se encuentra fuera de ustedes, es NUTRICIÓN Y AYUDA,
para que este proceso, pueda efectuarse adecuadamente.
No esperen que otros seres vengan, y, los lleven de la mano, pensando que con ello ustedes lograrán la salvación y trascendencia.
Los otros seres, podrán intercambiar con ustedes energías-pensamientos, y, eso los ayudará mucho, pero, el trabajo tiene que ser individual, ustedes lo tienen que ganar por mérito propio, por merecimiento, no hay otra forma de obtenerlo
¿Qué es lo que sucede cuando ustedes tienen el deseo de realizarlo?
El primer paso es, despertar el Deseo Creador, y, significa, querer hacerlo, desear curarse, y, entender y conocerse interiormente.
Cuando esto sucede, se activa una frecuencia, que será emitida de la Glándula Pineal, la cual comienza a preparar su útero espiritual, para concebir su bebé-espíritu.
Al haber activado una frecuencia y vibración cósmica, y universal, el Ser comenzará a atraer otras frecuencias de energías-pensamientos armónicas, que fluctúan en el ambiente, las cuales empezarán a nutrir su útero-Glándula Pineal.
Significa que, sin necesidad de buscar, él atraerá por inercia: Amistades, literatura, informaciones visuales o auditivas, experiencias etc. Estos elementos energéticos, estas energías-pensamientos elevadas, se albergarán en su Glándula Pineal, preparándola para concebir al bebé espíritu.
En esta altura del proceso, pueden suceder dos cosas: O, el Ser rechaza toda información que le llega, por diversos motivos, o, recibe esta información, y, la hace parte de sí.
Si la rechaza, entonces, no está preparado aún para la gestación de su espíritu.
En este caso, continuará encarnando, hasta que se sienta listo para realizarlo. En el caso que si lo acepta, entonces comenzará su proceso de transformación, transmutación, y, cambios profundos, que lo conducirán hacia el camino de la elevación universal.
Como ven por esta explicación, ustedes han esperado mucho de los Maestros, y Avatares, que vinieron a enseñarles el Camino de Regreso, tiene que entender, que no es a través de ―Ellos‖ que ustedes lo van a lograr, es a través de sus enseñanzas, que ellos trajeron, para ustedes, cuyas cimientes, bases y ejemplos, las tienen que hacer parte de ustedes, y, al hacerlas, al entenderlas, y seguirlas, ustedes serán como ellos.
Cuando ustedes dejen de soñar en magia, milagros, y seres divinos que bajarán a la Tierra para llevarlos consigo.
Cuando dejen de ver el mundo color de rosa, escondiéndose porque no quieren ver la realidad.
Cuando dejen de ser niños que quieren ser llevados de la mano, por supuestos padres celestiales, y, se conviertan en adultos responsables.
Cuando los ángeles, seres divinos, hadas, y, todo lo que creen, se conviertan en ustedes mismos, entonces sabrán que…
Despertaron y Crecieron.
30- ¿Las curaciones a través del Reiki, dan resultados positivos?
¿Cómo lo tienen que hacer?
La herencia cósmica de nuestra familia universal, el legado único y trascendental que ella nos legó a todos sus amados hijos, se llaman:
Mente (El padre)
y Energía (la madre)
y estos son sinónimos de alma.
Es pues el Alma lo que rige absolutamente todo lo existente.
El alma va a densificar a las energías-pensamientos, o, las va a trascender, en estados de delicada sutileza.
Cuando ustedes comenzaron a distorsionarse, y, enfermarse con el virus ambición, propiamente vivieron durante millones de años, solo con dos cuerpos:
Material (físico)
Astral (alma).
Estos dos cuerpos, es lo que hasta ahora, ustedes alimentaron, y, a través de ellos, han podido llegar en donde se encuentran.
Si decimos que ustedes se enfermaron, y se distorsionaron, entonces, por lógica, llegaremos a la conclusión, que lo que ustedes enfermaron, fue el alma, y es esta, la que deben curar, para poder trascender, y concebir, su bebé-espíritu.
En el alma radican las emociones, y las energías-pensamientos, y, si ésta no funciona bien, entonces comprenderán, que lo que los está enfermando, y deteriorando, son las órdenes equivocadas que el alma manda para el cuerpo material, el cual solo obedece, ya que, no tiene opinión, ni mando propio.
Y, si el alma se encuentra enferma, y distorsionada, entonces, no podrá concebir su espíritu, así pues, la concepción, no logrará concretarse.
Es increíble la infinidad de conocimientos, técnicas, cantos, mensajes, escuelas y más, que existen en el planeta, para indicarles el camino ―Espiritual‖, pero, ninguna de ellas, les dicen cómo, o, por dónde empezar con la curación, para poder lograr la trascendencia, y la verdadera espiritualidad.
La verdadera curación comienza por:
Antes de meditar, cantar, hacer ejercicios espirituales, asistir a retiros, conferencias, leer infinidad de libros metafísicos, y, todo lo que ustedes hacen para el camino espiritual…Deben curarse a sí mismos, psicoanalizarse, entender la problemática de sus vidas, porque, solo así, estarán en condiciones de salir del marasmo en que se encuentran.
La limpieza comienza por casa.
Para poder entender, trabajar y realizar la trascendencia energética de las energías-pensamientos, tienen uds que comenzar por el alma…
¿Por qué?
Porque el alma, o sea, las energías-pensamientos, tienen la capacidad, o mejor dicho, el poder, de concentrar, y densificar la energía, o, puede aligerarla, todo dependerá de la Intensión de los pensamientos.
Si ustedes no limpian sus cristales-energías-pensamientos del alma, no podrán entender el proceso de curación, y, si no lo entienden, los pensamientos no grabarán la cura, por lo tanto, continuarán girando en un círculo vicioso, sin saber que les acontece, o, porque les sucede.
La trascendencia, depuración, curación, limpieza y purificación del alma, comienza con el entendimiento profundo y el deseo de querer curarse.
No es magia, ni milagro, es Trabajo, y muy fuerte, profundo, consciente, y de mucha voluntad.
Muchos de ustedes, no saben por dónde comenzar la cura, tienen la buena intensión, pero, no tienen los medios para realizarlo.
A estas personas, les decimos, que el trabajo es individual, porque, cada uno de ustedes, es un universo, y, como tal, son ustedes que se deben preocupar de activar la espiritualidad.
Todo lo que se encuentra fuera de ustedes, es NUTRICIÓN Y AYUDA,
para que este proceso, pueda efectuarse adecuadamente.
No esperen que otros seres vengan, y, los lleven de la mano, pensando que con ello ustedes lograrán la salvación y trascendencia.
Los otros seres, podrán intercambiar con ustedes energías-pensamientos, y, eso los ayudará mucho, pero, el trabajo tiene que ser individual, ustedes lo tienen que ganar por mérito propio, por merecimiento, no hay otra forma de obtenerlo
¿Qué es lo que sucede cuando ustedes tienen el deseo de realizarlo?
El primer paso es, despertar el Deseo Creador, y, significa, querer hacerlo, desear curarse, y, entender y conocerse interiormente.
Cuando esto sucede, se activa una frecuencia, que será emitida de la Glándula Pineal, la cual comienza a preparar su útero espiritual, para concebir su bebé-espíritu.
Al haber activado una frecuencia y vibración cósmica, y universal, el Ser comenzará a atraer otras frecuencias de energías-pensamientos armónicas, que fluctúan en el ambiente, las cuales empezarán a nutrir su útero-Glándula Pineal.
Significa que, sin necesidad de buscar, él atraerá por inercia: Amistades, literatura, informaciones visuales o auditivas, experiencias etc. Estos elementos energéticos, estas energías-pensamientos elevadas, se albergarán en su Glándula Pineal, preparándola para concebir al bebé espíritu.
En esta altura del proceso, pueden suceder dos cosas: O, el Ser rechaza toda información que le llega, por diversos motivos, o, recibe esta información, y, la hace parte de sí.
Si la rechaza, entonces, no está preparado aún para la gestación de su espíritu.
En este caso, continuará encarnando, hasta que se sienta listo para realizarlo. En el caso que si lo acepta, entonces comenzará su proceso de transformación, transmutación, y, cambios profundos, que lo conducirán hacia el camino de la elevación universal.
Como ven por esta explicación, ustedes han esperado mucho de los Maestros, y Avatares, que vinieron a enseñarles el Camino de Regreso, tiene que entender, que no es a través de ―Ellos‖ que ustedes lo van a lograr, es a través de sus enseñanzas, que ellos trajeron, para ustedes, cuyas cimientes, bases y ejemplos, las tienen que hacer parte de ustedes, y, al hacerlas, al entenderlas, y seguirlas, ustedes serán como ellos.
Cuando ustedes dejen de soñar en magia, milagros, y seres divinos que bajarán a la Tierra para llevarlos consigo.
Cuando dejen de ver el mundo color de rosa, escondiéndose porque no quieren ver la realidad.
Cuando dejen de ser niños que quieren ser llevados de la mano, por supuestos padres celestiales, y, se conviertan en adultos responsables.
Cuando los ángeles, seres divinos, hadas, y, todo lo que creen, se conviertan en ustedes mismos, entonces sabrán que…
Despertaron y Crecieron.
30- ¿Las curaciones a través del Reiki, dan resultados positivos?
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To The Universe...!
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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina
BooK 3
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons ...study the new .
Being ONE
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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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Book 1:
Link first page:
Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina
BooK 3
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons ...study the new .
Being ONE
^ ^ ^
What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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The Law of One Session 49
The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
The Law of One Session 45
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Without knowledge I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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* *The Law of One Session 49
The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
The Law of One Session 45
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The human being,
even looking at THE TRUTH,
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth,
because he is still
ASLEEP mentally ...!..
-he only recognizes greed,
and material ambition ..!
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The Law of One Session 46
The Law of One Session 47
The human being,
even looking at THE TRUTH,
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth,
because he is still
ASLEEP mentally ...!..
-he only recognizes greed,
and material ambition ..!
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The Law of One Session 46
The Law of One Session 47
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