Monday, May 25, 2020

74,76+, How can we return all that love that she gives us and will continue to give?,¿Cómo podemos devolver todo ese amor, que ella nos da, y, continuará dando?

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  El Ser Uno
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The Being One

The Law of One Session 51
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48- How can we return all that love, that she gives us, and, will continue to give?

 Sister Tera, unlike you, has more experiences and experiences, because she is older. 

You are her younger brothers. 
She has protected, and cared for all of you, now is the time, for you, to return all the dedication, and love, of Tera, become adult and responsible beings, and begin to: Care, protect, safeguard, defend, preserve absolutely everything that exists, and lives, on, and, within it, as a beloved sister named: Tera (Earth). There are countless ways, to help her, with all the love.

 Stopping extracting the Petroleum, and, decontaminating the air by gases emanating from the petroleum and derivatives. 

 Stopping experimenting with weapons. 

 Caring for the water. 

 Growing food suitable for health. 

 Correcting wrong and poorly transmitted knowledge. 

 Acquiring full responsibility in the field of health 

 Caring for the poor countries with greater intensity,

  Properly distributing food. 

 Making inventions and discoveries for the benefit of humanity and much more...

You can list so many, that it would never end. Being aware, is, for everyone, and for everyone. No one escapes this responsibility, and duty, that you have with each other, and with the planet.
What is explained above, is the global work that united humanity must practice out of knowledge and conviction, because it is the way to transform the thousands of mistakes that are made daily and not out of evil but out of ignorance, this is how they taught you, and thus, you transmit it to your children, and, these, to theirs.

45- How can it be done? You will wonder ... How to transform the world, if the good beings are in the minority? How to end injustice, manipulation and control?

Today, perhaps, you are a minority, but, you will not be, in the future ...

The awakening of consciousness is global, the force is being reborn like the Phoenix Bird, there will be so many, and so many, that the negative-sick will disappear from life, and, from the planet. 

To fight and transform, physical force, aggression, wars, sufferings and killings are not needed, this is how sick negative energy works, because, it is the only thing she knows, violence, ambition, and, power, are its weapons. 

This is how the sick-negative-energy continues to perpetuate itself, generating fear, dread, and horror. 

To fight, is, not to do it by force, it is to do it, with Intelligence. 

To achieve this, union is needed because "Union makes strength" and also TIME, because the achievements are not made overnight, it is necessary to have patience and hope that the Causes will result in effects.

When we say that union makes strength, it means, that the Awakening of Consciousness, nests in all hearts, and, becomes a way of Being, Thinking and Living. 

Until now, your needs have not reached the bottom of the understanding, they are still in a superficial state, because, they, still do not have the clear knowledge of knowing how the cause and effect of works, actions and thoughts works.

Let's see an example: If you had the awareness and deep understanding that a food that is on the market is harmful to health, you would stop buying it! 

What would the manufacturer of said product do? 
He would stop manufacturing it! 
But, since he has to continue working and earning money, then, he would manufacture what everyone would need. 
A nutritious and good food for health, he would have to do it, pressured by Supply and Demand.

This is the way to unite, boycotting the useless, harmful, corrupt and harmful. 

Thus, little, by little, the world will be transformed, because the needs will be different, and, the achievements will be based on those needs.

If people stopped drinking alcoholic beverages, they would disappear. 

If the drug addict stopped using drugs, they would disappear. 

If people stopped eating junk food, it would disappear. 

Much of what you reject today has advanced, and, is, because most have allowed it. 
You are waking up, and, that, is the Hope of the future.
Humans of consciousness will be the ones to put order, transforming the face of the Earth.

 Begin to become aware of everything. 
Start with yourself, family, friends, acquaintances and others ... form the chain, and, join in the true awakening. 
Get out of the reverie that still keeps you asleep.

49- To what extent do we have influence on the events of the planet?
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48-  ¿Cómo podemos devolver todo ese amor que ella nos da, y, continuará dando? 

 La Hermana Tera,(Tierra), a diferencia de ustedes, tiene más experiencias, y vivencias, porque, es más antigua. 

Ustedes, son sus hermanos menores. 

Ella, ha protegido, y, ha cuidado de todos ustedes, ahora, es el tiempo de que devuelvan toda su dedicación, y amor, conviértanse en seres adultos, y responsables, y  comiencen a: Cuidar, proteger, resguardar, defender, preservar absolutamente todo lo que existe y vive sobre y dentro de ella, como una hermana amada llamada: Tera.   
Existen infinidad de formas y maneras de ayudarla con todo el amor.

 Dejando de extraer el Petróleo y descontaminando el aire por gases emanados que provienen del petróleo y derivados. 
 Dejando de experimentar con armas.
  Cuidando el agua.
  Cultivando alimentos adecuados a la salud.
  Corrigiendo conocimientos equivocados y mal transmitidos. 
 Adquiriendo responsabilidad total en el campo de la salud 
 Preocupándose de los países pobres con mayor intensidad, 
 Distribuyendo los alimentos adecuadamente. 
 Haciendo que los inventos y descubrimientos sean para beneficio de la humanidad, y, mucho más… 

Se puede enumerar tantos, que, no se terminaría nunca. Tomar consciencia es de Todos, y para todos. Nadie se escapa de esta responsabilidad, y deber, que tienen unos con los otros, y, para con el planeta.
Lo explicado anteriormente, es el trabajo global que la humanidad unida debe practicar por conocimiento y convicción, porque, es la manera de transformar las miles de equivocaciones que se cometen diariamente, y, no por maldad, sino, por ignorancia, así les enseñaron, y, así lo transmiten a sus hijos, y estos, a los suyos. 

45- ¿Cómo se puede hacer? Se preguntarán… ¿Cómo transformar al mundo, si los seres de bien son en minoría? ¿Cómo acabar con las injusticias, la manipulación y el control?

Hoy, tal vez, sean una minoría, pero no lo serán en el futuro…

El despertar de consciencia es global, la fuerza está renaciendo como el Ave Fénix, serán tantos, y tantos, que, lo negativo-enfermo, desaparecerá de la vida, y del planeta. 

Para combatir, y transformar, no se necesita la fuerza física, agresión, guerras, sufrimientos y matanzas, así trabaja la energía-negativa enferma, porque, es lo único que conoce, la violencia, la ambición, y el poder, son sus armas. 

Esta es la manera como la energía-negativa-enferma continúa perpetuándose, generando miedo, temor, y horror.   

Combatir, no es hacerlo por la fuerza, es, hacerlo con Inteligencia. 

Para realizarlo, se necesita la unión, porque, 
“La Unión hace la fuerza” 
y, también, TIEMPO, porque las realizaciones no se hacen de la noche a la mañana, se precisa tener paciencia, y, esperar que las Causas, redunden en efectos.

Cuando decimos que la unión hace la fuerza, significa que el Despertar de Consciencia, se anide en todos los corazones, y, se convierta en una manera de Ser, Pensar, y Vivir. 

Hasta ahora, sus necesidades no han llegado al fondo del entendimiento, se encuentran todavía en un estado superficial, porque, no tienen aún el conocimiento claro de saber cómo funciona La causa, y el Efecto, de las obras, acciones y pensamientos.

Vamos a ver un ejemplo: 
Si tuvieran la consciencia y entendimiento profundo, que un alimento que se encuentra en el mercado, es dañino para la salud 
¡Lo dejarían de comprar!  
¿Qué haría el fabricante de dicho producto?  
¡Lo dejaría de fabricar! 
Pero, como él tiene que continuar trabajando, y, ganando dinero, entonces, fabricaría lo que todos necesitarían, un alimento nutritivo, y bueno para la salud, él lo tendría que hacer, presionado por la Oferta y la Demanda. 

Esta, es la manera de unirse, boicoteando lo inservible, dañino, corrupto y perjudicial.
 Así, poco a poco, el mundo se irá transformando, porque, las necesidades serán otras, y, las realizaciones, se basarán en esas necesidades. 

Si las personas dejarían de tomar bebidas alcohólicas, estas desaparecerían. 

Si el drogadicto dejaría de consumir drogas, estas desaparecerían. 

Si las personas dejarían de comer alimentos basura, estos desaparecerían.   
Mucho de lo que ustedes, hoy en día, rechazan, ha avanzado, y, es, porque la mayoría lo ha permitido. 
Están despertando, y, esa es la Esperanza del futuro.
Los humanos de consciencia, serán los que coloquen orden, transformando la faz de la Tierra. Comiencen a tomar Consciencia de todo. Empiecen por ustedes mismos, la familia, los amigos, conocidos y otros… formen la cadena, y, únanse en el verdadero despertar. 
Salgan del ensueño que aún los mantiene dormidos.

49- ¿Hasta qué punto nosotros tenemos influencia sobre los acontecimientos del planeta?
To The  Universe...!
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Book 1:
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Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina 

BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .
Being ONE
^ ^ ^
What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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The Law of One Session 49

The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
 The Law of One Session 45
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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!

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 The Law of One Session 46
 The Law of One Session 47


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