Monday, June 22, 2020

81, 83+, Many people are not waking up. What can be done?, Muchas personas no están despertando,

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  El Ser Uno
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The Being One

The Law of One Session 51
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49- Many people are not waking up. What can be done?

What is it that Spirituality has, to transform you into more understanding, human, delicate, tender, loving beings and above all, to turn you into people willing to help others, and even encourage you to do charitable work and altruistic of love? 

Perhaps many of you have already perceived it, and some, have not. 

What is really happening in the mind, to drive and transmute you, entering a process of changes, a metamorphosis, that surprises and worries, but, that in the midst of all these changes and emotions, you accept it without complaint, and, with very happy? 

You humans call it: Maturity and Development of the man-species. 

But there are people who are mature and developed, and even with gray hair and continue to be irresponsible, selfish, incomprehensible, calculating and more... 

What was the use of age, if they remain the same? 

So, it is not a question of the years that pass, nor of the flourishing of the species, it is a matter of an internal energetic process, which is activated, when you are ready. 

Spirituality has no age, race, environment, social level or education, spirituality is an innate condition that the human being has genetically engraved in his thought-crystals. 

Its scientists and researchers, still do not understand, where it comes from, and why, you have it in your Human Nature. 

Just as you inherit the character of the mother, the genius of the father, the ability of the uncle, the generosity of the grandmother, so too, you have inherited the spiritual genes, the energy-thoughts, that is, THE SOUL, of the Universal family. 

For this reason, there comes a time in life that the legacy of the universal family has to awaken, and it is for this reason too, that you begin to behave differently. 

The genetic-spiritual inheritance is developed and revealed and in doing so, it is expressed through behavior, and this is: Being the authentic, real and true children 
of the father: 
The Universal Mind, 
and the mother: 
The Universal Energy. 

You wake up in the following way: In the first 
30 years of life, 
material genetics, bequeathed by your parents and family DNA is expressed. 

From 30 to 60 years old, 
psychic genetics, inherited from your ancestors, are activated. 

From 60 to 90 years old, 
you awaken universal genetics. 

This is the process, some before, and, others after, all of them somehow go to that spiritual awakening, because they have it recorded in the cosmic genetics. 

There are many people who do not activate it in many lives, and, its process is delayed, and very slow, that is, because its spiritual genetics are hidden, camouflaged, hidden and pressured by psychic genetics. 

We can list several reasons such as: the environment, lack of opportunities, social pressure, assimilated and instilled belief and more. 

For these reasons, spiritual genetics does not emerge, also due to the large number of inherited or own emotions, which tend to cover the true spiritual nature. 

If you had not inherited the spiritual genes of the Universal Family, today you would have no knowledge and understanding of existence. 

You would be born, procreate, live and die. 

The only home would be this planet, you would not have the opportunity to know, live and exist in other realities. 

The only vision would be this reality, therefore, you would not be aware of other worlds and parallel and infinite existences. 

You could not communicate through mediumship or telepathically with higher entities of those realities. 

You, in short, would be emotional people, advanced in science and technology, brain and intellectual, orderly and educated ... but nothing more. 

There is no doubt that, that would be so. 

But, in the midst of all this advancement and progress, you would lack the most important thing, the profound CONSCIOUSNESS of knowing, that you are something more, that you exist for something superior and that you have a path of existence, far beyond anything that the planet can offer you. 

Without Consciousness, you would be born to live, but you would not be born to exist, that is the great difference. 

You are spirit beings, thanks to the cosmic family !! 
It is the legacy.
 It is useless to deny it, and, that you say that it does not exist, or, that it is a human invention. 

You can give it the name you want, you can call it: Progress, Modernity and Evolution. You can use the most advanced and sophisticated terminology, but you can never escape a deep truth ...
Accepting that spirituality is part of you, that belongs to genetics, that is eternally engraved in the thought-crystals, is being aware and awake. 

You must also accept, once and for all, that this is how you were created and that this will be eternal. 

And although at some point in life you deny it, you do not want to believe, see, feel or hear, believing that it is a fantasy of the mind, cosmic genetics will flourish, and, when that happens, you will not be able to hide it, because it is stronger that you will have to accept it, and, live united and in accordance with it. 

Knowing that you are spiritual beings is the end of orphanhood, of abandonment, of feeling alone and unhappy, of the suffering caused by not knowing where you are from, who you are and where you will go. 

Knowing that you are spiritual beings, will make you look for the cosmic origin, you will want to know children of who you are, knowing and finding it, is the beginning of a complete, full, full and happy existence ... in eternity, of spiritual existence. 

50- Many do not want to wake up and are even ashamed of spirituality. You must not deny or hide the Spiritual Nature !!

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49- Muchas personas no están despertando ¿Qué se puede hacer?

¿Qué es lo que tiene la Espiritualidad, para transformarlos en seres más comprensivos, humanos, delicados, tiernos, amorosos y sobre todo, convertirlos en personas dispuestas a ayudar al prójimo, e inclusive, impulsarlos a hacer trabajos caritativos y altruistas de amor? A lo mejor, muchos de ustedes ya lo percibieron, y algunos no. ¿Qué es lo que realmente sucede en la mente, para impulsarlos y transmutarlos, entrando en un proceso de mudanzas, en una metamorfosis, que sorprende e inquieta, pero que en medio de todas esas mudanzas y emociones, ustedes lo aceptan sin reclamar y con mucha alegría? Ustedes los humanos, lo llaman: Madurez y Desarrollo de la especie-hombre. Pero hay personas que son maduras y desarrolladas, e inclusive con los cabellos canosos y continúan irresponsables, egoístas, incomprensivos, calculadores y más… ¿De qué les sirvió la edad, si siguen igual? Entonces, no es cuestión de los años que pasan, ni del florecimiento de la especie, es cuestión, de un proceso interior energético, que se activa, cuando ustedes estamos prontos. La espiritualidad, no tiene edad, raza, medio ambiente, nivel social o educación, la espiritualidad es una condición innata, que el ser humano tiene genéticamente grabado, en sus cristales-pensamientos. Sus científicos e investigadores, aún no entienden, de dónde procede y por qué, lo tienen en su Naturaleza Humana. Así como se hereda el carácter de la madre, el genio de padre, la habilidad del tío, la generosidad de la abuela, así también, ustedes han heredado los genes 82 espirituales, las energías-pensamientos, o sea, EL ALMA, de la familia Universal. Por esta razón, llega un momento en la vida, que el legado de la familia universal, tiene que despertar, y es por este motivo también, que ustedes comienzan a comportarse, en forma diferente. La herencia genética-espiritual, se desarrolla y se revela y al hacerlo, se expresa a través del comportamiento, y éste es: Ser los auténticos, reales y verdaderos hijos del padre: La Mente Universal y de la madre: La Energía Universal. Ustedes despiertan de la siguiente manera: En los primeros 30 años de la vida, se expresa la genética material, legada por sus padres y el ADN familiar. De los 30 a los 60 años se activa la genética psíquica, legada de sus ancestros. De los 60 a los 90 años, despiertan la genética universal. Este es el proceso, unos antes y otros después, todos de alguna manera se encaminan a ese despertar espiritual, porque lo llevan grabado en la genética cósmica. Hay muchas personas que no lo activan en muchas vidas y su proceso es demorado y muy lento, esto es, porque su genética espiritual, se encuentra escondida, camuflada, oculta y presionada, por la genética psíquica. Podemos enumerar varios motivos como: el medio ambiente, la falta de oportunidades, la presión social, la creencia asimilada e inculcada y más. Por estas razones, la genética espiritual no aflora, debido también a la gran cantidad de emociones heredadas o propias, que tienden a cubrir la verdadera naturaleza espiritual. Si no hubieran heredado los genes espirituales de la Familia Universal, hoy no tendrían conocimiento y entendimiento de la existencia. Nacerían, procrearían, vivirían y morirían. En único hogar sería este planeta, no tendrían la oportunidad de conocer, vivir y existir en otras realidades. La única visión sería esta realidad, por lo tanto, no tendrían consciencia de otros mundos y existencias paralelas e infinitas. No podrían comunicarse a través de la mediumnidad o telepáticamente con entidades más elevadas de esas realidades. Serían en pocas palabras, personas emocionales, adelantadas en la ciencia y tecnología, cerebrales e intelectuales, ordenadas y educadas… pero nada más. No hay duda que así sería. Pero en medio de todo ese adelanto y progreso, les faltaría lo más importante LA CONSCIENCIA profunda de saber, que son algo más, que existen para algo superior y que tienen un camino de existencia, mucho más allá, de todo lo que el planeta les puede ofrecer. Sin Consciencia, nacerían para vivir, pero no nacerían para existir, esa es la gran diferencia. ¡¡Son seres espirituales, gracias a la familia cósmica!! Es el legado. Es inútil que lo nieguen y digan que no existe, o que es una invención del humano. Pueden darle el nombre que quieran, pueden llamarlo: Progreso, Modernidad y Evolución. Pueden usar la terminología más adelantada y sofisticada, pero nunca podrán escapar de una profunda verdad…
83 Aceptar que la espiritualidad es parte de ustedes, que pertenece a la genética, que está grabada eternamente en los cristales-pensamientos, es estar consciente y despierto. Deben aceptar también y de una vez por todas, que así fueron creados y que así serán eternos. Y aunque en algún momento de la vida lo nieguen, no quieran creer, ver, sentir ni escuchar, creyendo que es una fantasía de la mente, la genética cósmica florecerá, y cuando eso suceda, no podrán esconderla, porque ella es más fuerte que ustedes, tendrán que aceptarlo y vivir unido y de acuerdo con ella. Saber que son seres espirituales, es el fin de la orfandad, del abandono, de sentirse solo e infeliz, del sufrimiento que les ha causado el no saber de dónde son, quiénes son y a dónde irán. Saber que son seres espirituales, les hará buscar el origen cósmico, querrán saber hijos de quiénes son, al saberlo y encontrarlo, es el comienzo de una existencia completa, colmada, plena y feliz… en la eternidad, de la existencia espiritual. 50- Muchos no quieren despertar e inclusive se avergüenzan de la espiritualidad. ¡¡No deben negar ni esconder la Naturaleza Espiritual!!
To The  Universe...!
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Book 1:
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Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina 

BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .
Being ONE
^ ^ ^
What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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The Law of One Session 49

The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
 The Law of One Session 45
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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!

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 The Law of One Session 46
 The Law of One Session 47

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