Monday, August 31, 2020

95, 97+, Brain Zone 3 – Represents Tera – Sky – Worked Emotions.

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  El Ser Uno
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The Being One

The Law of One Session 51
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Brain Zone 3 
– Represents Tera 
– Heaven 
– Worked Emotions.

This is the planet where the alchemical combinations mix and produce the highest or most degraded thought-energies, it depends a lot on the union of them and what are the characteristic elements with which the brain of man works. 

The Solar System where you live is the brain where you exist. 

The thought-energies fluctuate between the nine planets and moons of the solar system and are your thought-energies (souls) that run through the system when you disincarnate from the dense energy where you are currently incarnated. 
Looking up and studying the Solar System means for you to see, perceive and understand face to face the functioning of the brain. 

You do not need to open, operate and study the human brain, it is enough to see and understand the functioning of the planets of the system, because in this way they will be reflecting themselves. 

You have divided the Solar System into nine planets, actually, from the year 2014, when the entrance to the Cosmic Alignment occurs, you will have to eliminate the first two planets from the system: 
Pluto and Neptune, 
because, those planets will no longer belong to the brain, since These thought energies will have no place in the brain of the Solar System, they will be eradicated, and, sent to new creations. 

Life exists on the nine planets of the Solar System. 

Each one of them has a different expression, but, in all of them, the thought-energies (souls) live and are incarnated in the frequency, rhythm, vibration and colors that belong to them. 

You, desperately, seek to find life in the universe, or in the Solar System, as the only form you know on Tera, but, it is not. 

Life, expresses itself, in millions of ways, but, not knowing them, you think that the planets are empty, and lifeless. 

The first three planets, 
Pluto Neptune and Uranus, 
life is expressed in the form of elements, the thought-energies (souls) are disintegrated and live in these realities in the form of gases, methane, ammonia etc., they are found in the soil and in the polluting atmosphere of these planets. 

They are so harmful, that you could not live there, nor could you breathe them. 

These elements represent the sick-negative-thought-energies that live in zones 1 and 2 of the human brain. 

On Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, 
the thought-energies are man-shaped, and they live in societies similar to yours, only, they are different realities, for this reason you do not get to perceive, or, see them with your material eyes, but, you do. 

You could see them, with the eyes of the spirit. 

The planet Tera is the place where thought-energies are alchemically concretized, and, where desires take their forms. 

Tera represents duality, masculine and feminine, the passive and the active principle, the darkness and the light, the ying and the yang. 

It also represents the hexagram of the universal substance, where fertility regenerates in the evolution of the Cosmos. 

Together with Mars, 
(male, left side of the brain, Pituitary gland) 
and, Venus 
(female, right side of the brain, Pineal gland) 
Tera represents the duplicity of these two forces, is the expression and cosmic vision of the Rima gland, where visualization of universal reality is concretized and realized. 
The Solar System is a brain, 
the planets are its encephalic mass, the elements that compose it are its brain (the energies-thoughts-souls) the Astro Sun is its Pineal Gland. 

The planets Jupiter, Mars and Tera are your Pituitary Gland; 
The planets Tera, Venus and Mercury are your Rhyme Gland. 

As you can see, the planet Tera represents duality in the brain, because it is divided between the Pituitary Gland (left side of the brain) and the Rhyme (right side of the brain). 

For the brain of the Solar System, Tera represents the definition. 

It is where the thought-energies take shape, are polished, are directed in their specialty and creativity, and thus nurtured they embark on the cosmic adventure of wisdom and creativity. 

The planet Tera, for you, has a very deep dream meaning, in universal symbolism, it augurs prosperity, but the earth also indicates to you, possession, ambition, greed and avarice and if you do not manage to pass the tests, you will be lost in disintegration energy of the personality, subtracting your thought-energies in the depths of loneliness and disunity, whose martyrdom is the sacrifice to achieve what is truly valuable, that is, the riches of eternity. 

As the thought-energies (souls) rise from hell to purgatory, passing through the areas of the Brain-Solar-System, you must work to unite in an energetic compendium that allows you to continue living, so that when yu reach Earth,. you can win the eternal and cosmic Existence.  
All of you are grouped souls who are fighting for the energetic definition of light and that demands a superhuman effort from life after life, in a fierce struggle to stand out and exist.  

You are pilgrims, and, you are passing through, you have to learn to detach yourself from matter, fantasy and unreality, to achieve the transit to Venus, (Love), and, thus, be able to enter enlightenment, clarity of thought and communication with universal unity....Brain Zone 4 – Represents Venus – Sky – Feelings

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Zona 3 del Cerebro–Representa a Tera–Cielo-Emociones trabajadas. 
Este es el planeta donde las combinaciones alquímicas se mezclan y producen las energías-pensamientos más elevadas o degradadas, depende mucho de la unión de ellas y cuáles son los elementos característicos con los cuales el cerebro del hombre trabaja. El Sistema Solar donde ustedes viven, es el cerebro donde ustedes existen. Las energías-pensamientos fluctúan entre los nueve planetas y lunas del sistema solar y son las energías-pensamientos (almas) de ustedes, que recorren el sistema cuando desencarnan de la energía densa donde están actualmente encarnados. 96 Levantar la mirada y estudiar el Sistema Solar, significa para ustedes, ver, percibir y entender cara a cara el funcionamiento del cerebro. No necesitan abrir, operar y estudiar el cerebro humano, basta ver y comprender el funcionamiento de los planetas del sistema, porque de esta manera estarán reflejándose a sí mismos. Ustedes han dividido al Sistema Solar en nueve planetas, en realidad a partir del año 2014 cuando se produzca la entrada al Alineamiento Cósmico, deberán eliminar del sistema los dos primeros planetas: Plutón y Neptuno, porque esos planetas ya no pertenecerán al cerebro, puesto que esas energíaspensamientos no tendrán cabida en el cerebro del Sistema Solar, serán erradicadas y mandadas a nuevas creaciones. En los nueve planetas del Sistema Solar existe la vida. Cada uno de ellos tiene una expresión diferente, pero en todos ellos las energías-pensamientos (almas) viven y se encarnan en la frecuencia, ritmo, vibración y colores que les pertenece. Ustedes buscan desesperadamente encontrar en el universo o en el Sistema Solar la vida como la única forma que conocen en Tera, pero no es así. La vida se expresa en millones de formas, pero al no conocerlas, piensan que los planetas están vacíos y sin vida. Los Tres primeros planetas Plutón Neptuno y Urano, la vida se expresa en forma de elementos, las energías-pensamientos (almas) están disgregadas y viven en esas realidades en forma de gases, metano, amoníaco etc. se encuentran en el suelo y en la atmósfera contaminante de esos planetas. Son tan dañinas que ustedes no podrían vivir allí ni podrían respirarlas. Esos elementos representan las energías-pensamientos-negativas-enfermas que viven en la zona 1 y 2 del cerebro del hombre. En Saturno, Júpiter y Marte, las energías-pensamientos tienen forma-hombre y ellos viven en sociedades parecidas a la de ustedes, solo que son realidades diferentes, por esta razón ustedes no los llegan a percibir ni ver con los ojos materiales, pero si los podrían ver con los ojos del espíritu. El planeta Tera es el lugar donde alquímicamente se concretizan las energías-pensamientos y donde los deseos toman sus formas. Tera representa la dualidad, lo masculino y femenino, el principio pasivo y el activo, la oscuridad y la luz, el ying y el yang. Representa también el hexagrama de la sustancia universal, donde regenera la fecundidad en la evolución del Cosmos. Conjuntamente con Marte (masculino, lado izquierdo del cerebro, glándula Pituitaria) y Venus (femenino, lado derecho del cerebro, glándula Pineal) Tera representa la duplicidad de estas dos fuerzas, es la expresión y visión cósmica de la glándula Rima, donde la visualización de la realidad universal se concreta y se realiza. 97 El Sistema Solar es un cerebro, los planetas son su masa encefálica, los elementos que los componen son su cerebro (las energías-pensamientosalmas) el Astro Sol es su Glándula Pineal. Los planetas Júpiter, Marte y Tera son su Glándula Pituitaria; Los planetas Tera, Venus y Mercurio son su Glándula Rima. Como ven el planeta Tera representa en el cerebro la dualidad, porque está dividida entre la Glándula Pituitaria (lado izquierdo del cerebro) y la Rima (lado derecho del cerebro). Para el cerebro del Sistema Solar, Tera representa la definición. Es donde las energías-pensamientos toman formas, se pulen, se encaminan en su especialidad y creatividad, y así nutridas se embarcan hacia la aventura cósmica de la sabiduría y la creatividad. El planeta Tera para ustedes tiene un significado onírico muy profundo, en el simbolismo universal augura prosperidad, pero también la tierra les indica posesión, ambición, codicia y avaricia y si ustedes no logran pasar las pruebas se perderán en la desintegración energética de la personalidad, restando sus energías-pensamientos en lo más profundo de la soledad y de la desunión, cuyo martirio es el sacrificio para alcanzar lo verdaderamente valioso o sea, las riquezas de la eternidad. Conforme las energías-pensamientos (almas) suben del infierno al purgatorio, pasando por las zonas del Cerebro-Sistema-Solar, deben ir trabajando para unirse en un compendio energético que les permita continuar viviendo, para que al llegar a la Tierra puedan ganar la Existencia eterna y cósmica. Todos ustedes, todos los 7 mil millones de habitantes han ganado su espacio en el planeta Tera. Todos ustedes son almas agrupadas que están luchando por la definición energética de luz y eso les demanda un esfuerzo sobre humano de vida tras vida, en una lucha encarnizada de sobresalir y existir. Ustedes son peregrinos y se encuentran de paso, tienen que aprender a desligarse de la materia, de la fantasía y de la irrealidad, para conseguir el tránsito hacia Venus (Amor) y así poder entrar en la iluminación, en la claridad del pensamiento y en la comunicación con la unidad universal. 

Zona 4 del Cerebro–Representa a Venus–Cielo–Sentimientos 

To The  Universe...! 

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Book 1:
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Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página - El SER UNO
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina 

BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.
Meditate on it, review it ... study it ... ...let go of old ideas and lessons the new .
Being ONE
^ ^ ^
What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.
Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
" I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you're sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. "
Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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Without knowledge  I do not live...
Without understanding, I do not exist...
without unconditional love, I am NOT...
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The Law of One Session 49

The Law of One Session 36
The Law of One Session 41
 The Law of One Session 45
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The human being, 
even looking at THE TRUTH, 
frontally, and without hiding it,
He does NOT recognize that truth, 

because he is still 
ASLEEP mentally ...!..  
-he only recognizes greed, 
and material ambition ..!

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 The Law of One Session 46
 The Law of One Session 47

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