Friday, January 28, 2022

196, 198, The Being One, what and how will the final fight be? How is a disease defeated?

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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

196, 198, The Being One, what and how will the final fight be? How is a disease defeated?

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The Being One


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141- What and how will the final fight be?
How do you overcome a disease?
You will say – With strong and powerful antibiotics, rest, and above all, be sure that you will heal.
You cannot overcome one physical illness, with another psychological illness.
To begin the cure, the first thing to do is:
 Become aware of the disease.
 Have Knowledge and learn everything related to it.
 React wisely to the disease.
 Heal it with knowledge, understanding and love.
With this explanation, we want you to understand that overcoming a situation, a distorted reality like the one you have, you are not going to overcome it with love, or simply, with good will.
They need to know, and understand, with what, and
with whom,
they are clashing.
We are here to teach you science and technology, to achieve it.
You must unite the Knowledge that we will give you.
The Understanding that our Seramite brothers are already transmitting to them, and finally, the Love, that the Volunteer-Ayaplian brothers of the ships are teaching them, strengthening themselves inwardly.
This force is the spirit.
Without these three qualities, you
they will not be able to overcome evil.
"To defeat the enemy, you must first know him"
142- The ships we see in
our atmosphere, are you?
Yes, they are ours.
These ships will always perceive them, and see how: Orbs, in different shapes and colors.
We cannot physically go out, we always do it in the form of holograms-palpable.
The ships you see are also holograms-palpable, which work and move through electromagnetism.
As you are elevating individual and planetary electromagnetism, you are allowing us to be visible to you, for this reason, today, we project a greater number of sightings into the atmosphere and at sea.
Apart from going out holographically, we can project holographs with human images.
So far, we have avoided showing ourselves as we are, because, first, we must eradicate the fear, and fear that you have about us.
When the Cosmic Alignment begins to occur, it will help us a lot so that we can establish closer contacts with the beings who open their minds, and are willing to engage in communication with us.
We will return to the past, where we were all united and worked together, as true brothers of Light and Love.
Absolutely all sightings that occur in the atmosphere, within the mountains, or, within the sea, are us, the Heloim.
We can be, and, produce sightings, in different parts of the planet, at the same time.
Thus we will be presenting ourselves, for the next 200 years, so that you may create, and open your minds, to a palpable, and real, reality like ours.

143- Do governments know about
its presence on the planet?

Yes, you know.
Our presence has been in the
planet in all times.
Formerly, we could go out, the electromagnetism was soft, and it was not contaminated.
In the last 100 thousand years, the pollution by the thought energies has been very strong, so we had to wait for the elevation of your thought, to begin to come out, and, show our presence.
You, on the outside, knew us, and, you communicated with us, you knew your story, there were no secrets, and, we could communicate holographically, and telepathically.
We are speaking, when the first Lemur cities, and Atlantis, existed, and you, the inhabitants of the outside, learned all our teachings, and faithfully followed cosmic knowledge.
Until the virus of ambition attacked you hard, and you had contact with the creatures of darkness.
When that happened, all of us: The Volunteers-Ayaplianos; The Seramites, and we, the Elohim, withdrew, for the doors of the mind were closed, and you sank into the darkness of darkness.
They began to worship these creatures, which began to demand ceremonies, and human sacrifices.
The darkness of their minds brought with it the darkness of electromagnetism.
Gravity condensed its elements, and we, like our brothers, disappeared from their lives, but not from memory.
Many of you remember us, but, you are afraid of us, because, you confuse us with the Grey-clones, and with the Grey-Reptilians, and, in some cases, with the creatures that are at the center of the planet.
We are waiting for them to raise their electromagnetism so that the memories emerge clearly, and, we can perform again the "contact‖ that we have always expected.
Governments and religions know of our presence, but, as always, they have manipulated knowledge in their favor.
Governments, united with religions, have always made you believe that extraterrestrials are creatures of
darkness, you have been frightened, and frightened, with demons, and hell, so you have always been manipulated through fear, fear, guilt and a thousand erroneous thoughts that you have instilled in yourself for dominion and power.
They know of our existence, and, they know, that we have always been attentive so that they did not commit barbarities, through technology, and, incipient science, which they do not yet dominate, but, that on several occasions, have put at risk the beings, and the planet.

144- Why are governments and religions so afraid to show us the truth?


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