Tuesday, December 5, 2023

10 - 11 - ORiGiNs - I was transferred in thought-hologram

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"I know that there is only one Living, True and Infinite God, Creator, Generator and Caretaker of all things visible and invisible, whose Essence is spread throughout the Universe, and whose Mind and Consciousness constitute the Soul of Man." 


Help each other, transmit knowledge, so that human beings prepare for the great events that will happen.




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The Being One


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 On August 27, 2011 I was transferred in thought-hologram to the City of Crystal, the entrance to this city was very different from the previous one.  
This entire experience is done imaginatively and through conscious thought.  
I am in front of my computer and as events happen, I write without losing my consciousness or my material reality.  
I actually started writing this book after this date. 
Unlike the others who started almost finishing the previous one. 
I saw myself with the brothers, we were received by two Elohim Brothers and for the first time by two Interan brothers (male and female) they led us to an immense room where there were many people waiting in an orderly manner for their turn, to go to a place that the Elohim, they explained to me, was the entrance to different energetic degrees, where the thought-energies (souls) had to be located, so that their energetic condition was adequately nourished and prepared for new incarnations. 
The entities that I saw were souls that, when they disembodied, preserved the form-mold-man, a form that matter energy had modeled in their last life and that is also how each of them saw themselves. 
 I looked around the room and saw many souls, but what caught my attention was that they all had almost the same characteristics: size, color, clothing, etc., and I realized that there were no differences between them, it gave me the impression that they were all the same.  
At that moment I thought - It's not the same as on the planet, I don't see poor or rich, different races, fat or thin, blonde or dark, children or adults - 
It was extraordinary, the souls had become uniform, everyone presented almost the same characteristics and the only thing that differentiated them was that some were male and others were female.  
But what caught my attention the most was that everyone was at the same age level. The Elohim Brothers who received us are tall, thin, with slightly prominent heads and, as explained in the previous book, they shine a white, iridescent and brilliant iridescent light. 
The most beautiful thing about them is that when they move the light that emanates from their bodies radiates clear and calming colors.  
His eyes are clear and deep, his gaze is sweet and diaphanous, they transmit protection, warmth, sweetness and love.  
The Inner Brothers are very similar to the humans on the outside. 
 Tall stature, slightly slanted light-colored eyes, very light hair, so much so that it looks platinum or white. 
Brother Interano has his hair short and sister Interana wears it a little longer, at the height of her ears.  
They wear loose and very comfortable clothes.  
They are disembodied spirits of the Inner-material City. 
They are in charge of the Antimatter reality (beyond) and they are the ones who receive us when we from the outside disincarnate.  
I looked at them curiously and brother Elohim told me 
– Our Interan brothers belong to the Inner-material City of the interior of the planet called: ATLANTIS. 
Don't be surprised, we will explain it as we move forward with the topics to be discussed - When he told me, I stayed silent and didn't ask any more questions. 
They made a gesture indicating that we should go to another room where we would continue talking.  
They said that they would answer all my questions that I had with me, and that our energy preparation could fulfill its purpose, they would help us in everything that was necessary so that with our effort and inner work, we would reach the necessary frequency and vibration and thus we would disincarnate in the best and optimal conditions.  
We arrive at the venue. 
This was spacious with large windows and as always round.
  We sat comfortably in some chairs, which were around a table, in front of me there was a large window, where a bright white light came in, illuminating us all. 
I didn't know if after finishing everything we had to talk about, I would see them again. 
Thinking about that, they looked at me sweetly and I understood that it would not be the first or the last time I would maintain contact with them.  
So, settled around that table and in a very pleasant, harmonious and light-filled environment, I began the second part of the interview. 
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 next: antimatter


El 27 de Agosto de 2011 fui trasladada en pensamiento-holograma a la Ciudad de Cristal, la entrada a esta ciudad fue muy diferente a la anterior. Toda esta experiencia se realiza imaginativamente y a través del pensamiento consciente. Estoy frente a mi computadora y conforme van sucediendo los hechos, escribo sin perder mi conciencia ni mi realidad material. Propiamente este libro lo comencé a escribir después de esta fecha. A diferencia de los otros que comenzaron casi terminando el anterior. Me vi junto a los hermanos, fuimos recibidos por dos Hermanos Elohim y por primera vez por dos hermanos Interanos (masculino y femenino) nos condujeron a una sala inmensa donde había muchas personas esperando en forma ordenada su turno, para pasar hacia un lugar que los Elohim me explicaron, era la entrada hacia diferentes grados energéticos, donde las energías-pensamientos (almas) debían ubicarse, para que su condición energética fuese alimentada adecuadamente y preparada para nuevas encarnaciones. Las entidades que yo veía, eran almas que al desencarnar conservaban la forma-molde-hombre, forma que la energía materia había modelado en su última vida y así también se veían cada uno de ellos. Mire el salón y vi muchas almas, pero lo que me llamó la atención era que todas tenían casi las mismas características: Tamaño, color, vestimenta etc. y me percaté que entre ellas no había diferencias, me daba la impresión que todas eran iguales. En ese momento pensé - No es igual que en el planeta, no veo pobres, ni ricos, razas diferentes, gordos o delgados, rubios o morenos, niños o adultos – Era extraordinario, las almas se habían uniformizado, todos presentaban casi las mismas características y lo único que los diferenciaba era, que unos eran masculinos y otras femeninas. Pero lo que más me llamó la atención era que todos se encontraban en un mismo nivel de edad. Los Hermanos Elohim que nos recibieron son altos, delgados de cabezas un poco prominentes y como se explicó en el libro anterior, centellan una luz blanca, iridiscente y brillante-tornasolada. Lo más hermoso que ellos tienen es, que cuando se mueven la luz que emana de sus cuerpos irradia colores diáfanos y tranquilizantes. Sus ojos son claros y profundos, su mirada es dulce y diáfana, transmiten protección, calor, dulzura y amor. Los Hermanos Interanos son muy parecidos a los humanos del exterior. Estatura alta, ojos ligeramente rasgados de color claro, cabello muy claro, tanto que parece platinado o blanco. El hermano Interano tiene su cabello cortito y la hermana Interana, lo usa un poco más largo, a la altura de sus orejas. Visten ropas sueltas y muy cómodas. Ellos son espíritus desencarnados de la CiudadInterna-material. Son los encargados de la realidad Antimateria (más allá) y son los que nos reciben cuando nosotros del exterior desencarnamos. Los quede mirando curiosamente y el hermano Elohim me dijo – Nuestros hermanos Interanos pertenecen a la Ciudad Interna-material del interior del planeta llamada: ATLANTIS. No te asombres, ya lo explicaremos conforme vayamos avanzando con los temas a tratar – Al decírmelo, me quede callada y no hice ninguna pregunta mas. Nos hicieron un ademán indicándonos que debíamos pasar a otra sala donde continuaríamos conversando. Dijeron que ellos responderían a todas mis preguntas que llevaba conmigo, y que nuestra preparación energética pudiese cumplir su cometido, nos ayudarían en todo lo que fuera necesario para que con nuestro esfuerzo y trabajo interior, llegásemos a la frecuencia y vibración necesaria y así desencarnaríamos en las mejores y óptimas condiciones. Llegamos al recinto. Este era amplio de grandes ventanales y como siempre redondo. Nos sentamos cómodamente en unas sillas, que estaban alrededor de una mesa, frente a mi había una ventana amplia, donde una luz blanca y brillante entraba iluminándonos a todos. No sabía si al terminar todo lo que teníamos que conversar, los vería otra vez. Al pensar en eso, ellos me miraron dulcemente y yo comprendí que no sería ni la primera ni la última vez que mantendría contacto con ellos. Así pues, acomodados alrededor de esa mesa y en un ambiente muy agradable, armonioso y lleno de luz, comencé con la segunda parte de la entrevista.

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42 - ORiGiNs - How can we help our offspring

 * * *  *  * * Timeless messages ^^^  "I know that there is only one Living, True and Infinite God, Creator, Generator and Caretaker...

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